Planned recon mission to Ogre Gorge
A poster is put up in Peltarch's city hall:
"A specific reconnaissance mission to the Ogre Gorge will be conducted by the Defenders. Any and all city employees are welcome to assist, as are volunteers to fill out the ranks if need be."
((a simple player-run exploration trip proposed for this upcoming Sunday 24/03/2013, Euro evening time / afternoon US EST.
DMs always welcome! those interested, please sign up here or contact Cerulean Knight Lycka IG))
Sirion offers to go.
GAH! I was just about to send a PM about a solo recon mission with Grobble. If a crowd is going I'd love to weasel into it if I can.
My play time stinks but I should be able to make it if I plan ahead.
Despite what peltarchs employees may or may not think about the red mageling, Mystic gladly offers any assistance in order to secure the fair city of Peltarch and any and all citizens within, should she be accepted.
Andrew offers his sword,should there be need of extra muscles.