Vaylefor 'Dusk' Anessen

  • An older elven man and his son rest around a solitary campfire. The night air is brisk, but the fire - and the great many stars, bring warmth to the pair. The man speaks, as the youngling snuggles in close to his father.

    _"He was born of the High Forest. There, he lived for many years in peace amongst his house and kin. He had become a warrior, he had taken a wife - and soon they were to have a son. But fate had other plans for this one. In a single night of flames and death, everything the young elf knew was lost to him. The very sight of his fallen beloved brought the warrior elf to his knees… Unable to cope, he drew his dagger and readied it upon himself. The young elf plunged the dagger downwards to his flesh, but it would not pierce him. His hands were frozen in front of him, as if some unseen force had prevented the blow. Deep with in his heart, he heard his fallen beloved's call. She would force him to drop his dagger and pick himself up - his feet would scrape against the ground as they pushed forward unto an uncertain future.

    The young elf traveled for many years, his grief and pain had slowly begun to overcome him. Still true to his broken heart, he would live - but it would not be an existence he could be proud of. He turned to distractions, pleasures, and exotic focuses to rid himself of the grief that tore him apart every day. The young elf became a thief, a mercenary, friend to few, and enemy to many - and soon he had forgotten everything that kept him pushing on. Drive with out reason - had bred contempt and faltering morality --- With out realizing it, he had become everything he hated. That is... until a pair of outstretched wings of a raven feathered bird had caught his eyes as it flew against the evening sky. At first he was afraid, but as he drew near - their eyes met ... and in that moment he knew that what had come for him was something beyond entrappings of this world.

    The bird had taken to a branch, just above where the elf rest - and though he didn't understand why - he knew that this was a sign from gods."_

    Vaylefor 'Dusk' Anessen