The purchase of land

  • Mystic frequently visits the building site with a basket full of refreshments, she usually leaves the basket with the men, then continues west to clear the area nearby from any stray orcs

  • Legion

    Grobble watches

  • Council of Moradin

    Gralin can be seen in his free time digging out the foundation, shaping the stones, and setting them in place, a stream of dwarven curses issuing forth at any setback.

  • After the arrival of building supplies, construction begins. Union crafters from Norwick and the Dwarven Hold seem to be in charge of the project.

  • Legion

    After shaking her hand the old-man dances his way back to Peltarch.

    "Hoo-eee! No more three-legged snaggle-toothed tramps for me! I'm gonna rent me one who's got all straight teeth and all her limbs too! Weeeee!"

  • I shook his hand firmly, being mindful to stay away from the buisness end of the crossbow.

    "My name is Mystic River, and I'll see you in a week."

    As I walked away I couldn't help but wonder if I shouldn't have gotten him to sign something. His memory might not last a week… or his health either

  • Legion

    "Hee hee! Hoo hoo! Oh, don't worry about me! I'm spry as a spider! See?"

    He hops and barely manages to click his heels together, lands clumsily, then does a pirouette.

    "Gimme yer name and I'll see ya in a week!"

    He holds out a bony hand to shake in agreement.

  • I cant help it, but his limping little dance of enthusiasm gets me and I am smiling too. Although he looks too fragile

    "Oh please do be careful so you dont fall into a mud hole and hurt yourself!"

    Hmm.. Oh well the poor old geezer may as well die happy at least. Isnt that how we all want to go, I thought.

    "Now, lets meet within a week in the city hall to sign the contract and I will also make the payment. Dont exhaust yourself, can you make it alright back to your house?

  • Legion

    _You see the gears turning in his head. He takes a closer look at your exquisite clothes and well kept hair. His eyes dart around as he squints at the muddy weeds puzzling out why such a high-class woman would come out here just to play a jest.

    You can see it on his face when he realizes you're being serious. His eyes bulge._

    "I'M RICH!"

    He spins in circles dancing a jig.

  • Before I knew it, I had already blurted it out

    "5000 coins?"

    My eagerness almost giving me away, I quickly added to smooth things over:

    "The place got potential, however, we need to drain the land, I did have the master from the Union visiting here, he had some concerns about making a proper base which the lodge will be built upon."

    "If you would accept my offer I will have the proper documents drawn up for you and me to sign with a city official as witness. How does that sound?"

    Anticipating his response I could see three things happen, he would accept the offer relieved getting rid of the mud hole, or… he would finally shoot me with the cross bow I helped him load ..or he would drop dead in a heart attack. I cleared my throat waiting...

  • Legion

    He appears to be getting angry again…

    "I told ya! It ain't worth shite! Now tell me how much ya got!"

  • I wasn’t sure if he was going to drop to the ground in some sort of fit. The last thing I needed to do was give him a heart attack and have to deal with some relative who thinks they just came into a big inheritance. Unless of course his price was too high. I stroked his arm soothingly and gave him a reassuring smile.

    “I don’t carry that much gold on me, but let me ask you… How much do you think it’s worth?”

  • Legion

    The old man has the look of utter confusion as the crossbow is handed to him.

    "Y-… I'll-... Show me the gold!"

  • He's still trying to load the crossbow, and I do so hate waiting around for people to kill me…

    "If you're going to murder me, can you be a little quicker about it? I still have to talk to a carpenter today."

    I broke from cover and closed the distance with a brisk walk, stopping next to him, my hand reassuringly brushing across the back of his as he fumbled with the bolt. "Please, allow me." I gently lifted the bow from his hands and finished cocking it, then slipped a bolt into it before handing it back. "Here, all ready to go."

    I flashed him a smile and my best innocent look.

    "It's been my dream since I was a little girl to own my own house… I kind of like this "cesspool of swamp" as you call it. Would you consider parting with it to fulfill a little girl's wish?"

  • Legion

    He continues trying to muscle the bolt into place.

    "Like fark! Who would want ta buy this worthless cesspool of swamp land!"

  • The crossbow bolt missed me by a wide margin, but the old instincts were tough to resist. I dove for cover behind a tree as the old man started cranking the windlass on the crossbow. Six spells leapt into my head. Five would turn the old coot into a smoldering piece of scorched shoe leather, and the last one would help him reset the crossbow faster.

    "Better options Mystic… better options…"

    _I could flash him some leg, but I doubt the old geezer could even remember what it was like to be interested in something like that. His manhood probably shriveled up and fell off eons ago.

    I could rush him before he reloaded, but with my luck he most likely had a stone age knife tucked away in his back pocket that he’s been using to geld sheep. Hmmm, something better…

    I hoped he could still hear at his age. He certainly couldn’t see well. Worth a try._

    “HOLD YOUR FIRE!! I’ve come from City Hall to talk about purchasing your land! We have no quarrel…”

    I peeked around the tree, even as I cringed at my bad choice of words. I hoped it didn’t give him any more ideas

    “Can we discuss this over a bottle of wine maybe? Like civilized people?”