Desperately seeking resources...

  • As the sorceress Mystic seeks to build her own enchanting facilities, she finds herself in need of wood and ore with which to build it. To that end, she puts up posters asking for those skilled in resource gathering who are willing to help her, to step forward.

    ((OOC: As a DM I've agreed to sponsor these, but that doesn't necessarily mean full oversight. I'll help as I'm able to though, which may mean ore/wood spawning in a pre-disclosed location, it may mean an adventure. If you're interested in helping, please sign up below.))

    Monday 25th of February 11.30 am GMT +1 (ORE)
    Friday 8th of March 11.30 am GMT +1 (WOOD)
    Monday 11th of March 11.30 am GMT +1 (ORE)

    1. Mystic River
    2. Iathouz
    3. Zahra
    4. Eli

  • I'm sorry folks, but I'm currently too ill to do much besides log in and look at the pretty colours. I'll let you know when I'm well enough to do something with this again.

  • If the Union wants to organise a trip at their normal times (except for the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of March) I'd be happy to organise some ore and wood for them in a currently undisclosed location. Just let me know.

  • Sign Iathouz up

  • Z sends her a note a note ((PM coming))

    ((If I figured it correctly, I think that's 4:30 a.m. on a work day, so I doubt I'll be able to do any of the scheduled trips…but maybe.

    That said, I'm sure the Crafters Union can help gather resource on some of our weekly trips.))


  • Yow! That's 5:30 AM for me. But I Romulus would like to help. I will try to make at least two of them.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

  • Elvira has offered her help IC.

  • Arlan offers to help get to the resources, but isn't much of a Woodcutter/Miner.