Open facilities

  • Mystic strolls into the town hall leaving a note


    Open enchanting facilities

    I Mystic River, a citizen of Peltarch, offer all my gold 50,000 to open up an enchanting workshop in Peltarch. There are already enough costs involved in the process of making something truly special and enchanted. Some of the items required are rare and hard to find then there is the aspect of time. Rare items and time of creation sums up to a hefty bill. Not all of us are wealthy artisans of the arcane, and therefore I like to donate all my gold to the building of a workshop open to anyone, may you be experienced or a novice. A place where we all can share our knowledge without being inhibited by your social status of not belonging or your wealth or lack thereof.

    Mystic River
    Citizen of Peltarch

  • After have listened to the Heralds good advice, she make a copy of her previous note. Soon after she heads out, with a determined (but sort of swagging) stride, to find a way to get an audience with senator Jahn Reshnor.

  • Upon reading the note, the Herald advises Mystic that she would be best served by either presenting her request to the Senate, or to a noble family or trading house for support, as City Hall itself has no authority nor power to circulate such requests.

    //OOC: This means, talk with me about it. What you want to do is possible, but you need to go about it the right way 🙂

  • On one of her frequent strolls to the city halls she is told about the note and shakes head, sighing

    As if we'd let just anyone have the possibility to enchant powewrful and likely dangewrous items without any kind of contwrol… such an iwrresponsible thing to do...

    she blinks

    Wow,, I can't believe I said that, I must've gwron up all of the sudden. grins and keeps walking