Peltarch Referendum of 1550


    The Senate of Peltarch wishes to make the will of the people known. Thus, a Referendum is being called for all citizens to vote as their will dictates, on the following points. Each is a separate subject to be voted on, and one does not exclude the other.

    • The Senate to be reduced to seven (7) seats
    • Elections to be held every twelve (12) years with those elected two elections ago to re-stand, along with the senator from the last election with the least votes. This means that 4 Senators would be elected every 12 years, and the Senate would retain a quorum of 3 during the elections.
    • Elder Senator to be elected by the people
    • A Code of Conduct to be established for all Senators to follow, with Senators able to be removed from office for proven breaches of said Code of Conduct

    Furthermore! At this time, all citizens are asked to vote for who they would have serve as Elder Senator, in the understanding that if the referendum regarding the position of Elder Senator is not voted for by the city, that their votes for Elder Senator will be null and void.

    You have until the end of the year to vote by attending your local guardhouse and completing the following document:

    He lifts up an enlarged form for all to see


    Peltarch Referendum of 1550

    • Should the Senate be reduced to SEVEN (7) seats? Yes or No

    • Should elections be held every TWELVE (12) years with those elected two elections ago to restand, along with the senator from the last election with the least votes? Yes or No

    • Should the Elder Senator position be elected by the people? Yes or No

    • Should a Code of Conduct be implemented for all Senators? Yes or No

    • In the event of the Referendum indicating that the Elder Senator position should be elected by the people, who would you vote for as Elder Senator? Select one of the following:

    Senator Enenan Snydders
    Senator Martouscha Leaffall
    Senator Ryan Fisher
    Senator Bofauk Faltek (aka. Heffa)
    Senator Miranda Greywing
    Senator Talindra Verados
    Senator Maria
    Senator Mariston Thel
    Senator Jahn Reshor

    Long live the Jewel!

    //OOC: Please use the form I've outlined there, so I can tally things easily. Any questions, just PM me.

    I'm resetting the dates for this due to Christmas and my inbox getting deleted. All Peltarch citizens have until the 1st of February to get me their votes. Any not received in that time will not count.



    ALL measures of the Referendum of 1550 have passed! What does this mean for you?

    The Senate has been reduced from nine seats to seven.

    With the resignation of Senator Ryan Fisher and the extended absence and presumed death of Senator Leaffall there is no need for a vote regarding the removal of Senators.

    Re-elections shall occur every 12 years for those Senators elected two elections ago and the Senator with the least votes from the previous election.

    Senators Snydders's, Faltek's, and Reshor's seats are up for reelection next year.

    The position of Elder Senator shall be elected by the people.

    Your new Elder Senator is Senator Miranda Greywing.

    …and finally...
    A code of conduct will be created and voted upon by your Senate of Seven.

    Thank you and long live the Jewel!