Gonnar's Covers
Hi guys! As many of you know I play guitar and sing and all that stuff.
I've been around for almost 10 years (In August it'll be 10 years!) and I thought It's about time I share with you guys some of what I love to do the most… I've been wanting to do this for a while now, but most of my covers are in spanish, so now that I made one in english it's the perfect ocasion.Here is the latest cover I've recorded. "A thousand years" from Christina perri.
Can't say that I play guitar like a boss, nor that I sing like angels, but I can assure you there's lot of feelings put into what I sing/play. Hope you enjoy ithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dakK03tC2HY
In the future I'll probably make more covers in english, and share them with you guys (If you are not too mean on your responses
That was incredible! Though my 2 year old son says you look sad, lol.
Keep up the great work!
Well.. I thought I'd do another cover.. in english too. So here it goes…
It will Rain - Bruno Mars
Some day... i'll get myself a good camera and edit programm. x)
Dora speaks the truth. Or at least I want to believe so… that I sounds much better live. I record with my crappy webcam, so is not really doing wonders XD
Long distance collaboration sounds great =D
Excellent work. I should point out that the audio quality on the videos isn't doing Gonnar much here justice either, so it would probably be exponentially better "live."
Also… we need to speak about long distance collaboration.
Would be nice, I know! ^^
But it's not a realistic thought, consider how tough is that world, but I'm happy to make of it my hobby and share it with people.
Very nice man. Deffo some talent there. Wish i could play like that. Or sing. Maybe you can try and make a living with it tbh. Should be possible?
:). !
Spain´s got talent!!
Amigo, you should participate in one of those music contests!
Someone is in love! Thumbs up because when a singer sings with emotion, it's always a good song.
I uploaded yesterday this other cover from a song in spanish. You really don't need to understand the lyrics to understand what is it about. That's what makes music so great. Just look at my face XD
This is my newest song. It's a really neat story why I composed this song in only 2 days….
Either way,nice stuff
For you, Marrow
I just uploaded it. The guitar sounds too strong in comparison with my voice, but that's what you get for not having a decent microphone and a crappy cam
I saw your stuff a while ago, I love it! You should post some of the Spanish songs, too.
Spain's got talent.