The final call for expadition

  • A letter is posted up with blank spots for names under the message.

    My friends that have seen me through these missions once and again and many times over. I call upon you one last time. We have the Zhents cornered and now it is time to spring the final trap on them. So once more I call upon your swords and shields that have been my greatest asset these last few years and help me finish my quest. Reservations again to those that have been with me.

    (( Date and time - Jan 5th at 8am EST Thanks to Skippys internet being sorted out we have a new time for the event, all please do watch for it in the Help Wanted board. ))

    1. Varia
    2. Eragor
    3. Charles
    4. Romulus

    Special Reservations -

    1. Cray Vincent

  • Romulus sings up once again.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey