The clash of metal

  • _::The ashen-haired warrioress returns to the same place, same time, one tenday later. Once again dlad in her crimson armor, she held her Frost Claw in her left hand as its shaft rested on her shoulder.

    Once again it the dawn was near, as she awaited near the fighting pits, patiently::_

  • Mhm,alrighty then!Looking forward to find it out!

    Jake gives a sharp nod as the first lesson ends

  • ::The warrior-monk watched them for a moment, to then speak::

    Your words do not tell me why are you willing to fight. Although Jake's answer was closer to what I am after, you two are telling me what you will fight for, not why.

    You will fight foes that too intend to protect their families, or serve their duties and principles. I am sure you two have already on ocassion assaulted cave of goblins or kobolds, and took their lives as they wished only to protect their territory and their loved ones. Their cause may be as worthy as any other. I am almost certain that you have already taken lives that one could describe as innocent. And you will likely take more of those, in future.

    I want you to think again, and make this your first task. Come to me next tenday with answer to question. Take time between now and then to think of answer. Look inside yourselves, and you will find it.

    There is second task. For this tenday, wield your weapon of choice at all times, except when laws forbid it. Even at home, if you have to cook your food, do it while wielding your weapons.

    Next tenday I will be in this same place and time to assess your progress.

  • While Charles gave his answer,Jake were watching carefully to the point he blank-minded absorbed to it.When Shallyah turned to him,a tilt of his head woke him up,like of a lethargy

    …um,oh!Yes..Well,i want to become better because i realized in this world there will always be winners and losers,all fighting for their own believes.So,i want to protect my people but to do this i must be at the winner's side.And become even better so i can avoid even dirt my hands with blood.

  • ::She looked at Charles as he spoke, to then shift her gaze towards Jake, waiting for his answer::

  • Steps up to speak

    I seek to become the perfect warrior for Torm. I want to excel in combat to carry out my duty without falter and be able to defeat my enemies, which are Torm's enemies as well. And second to that, I need to be able to protect my family and friends. I was unable to protect my friends propertly during the last assault, and I won't see that happen again.

    he looks to Shallyah directing in the eyes, a very confident look on him.

  • ::The ashen-haired Defender looked at them both, her clear grey eyes scrutinying then, before nodding slightly::

    Very well. I understand you two seek to better yourselves in combat. But there are several requisites to being good warrior. It is not about how much strength of arm one has to overwhelm her foes, and it is not about how clever one is to outmaneuver them.

    There are codes, laws imprinted in all of us that we may or may not understand, but once acknowledged, they enhance our ability to carry out our tasks with determination, without falter. This is especially true in art of combat, as unlike other arts, not being good enough has generally dire consequences to your existence, and of whatever you fight for.

    So before we start, I need to know what moves you. Why do you wish to better yourselves in combat, what moves you towards path that will stain your hands with blood, that will gnaw on your conscience with anguish, and that will haunt your dreams with guilt.

    ::The warrior-monk looked from one to the other, awaiting for them to answer in turn::

  • For Jake's surprise, another young man arrives to the tourney grounds. The young squire Charles, with his hand resting on the hilt of his sword approaches and offers them both a polite smile

    Sir, Miss Shallyah, I'm ready to learn.

    He nods and stands there, firmly , waiting for instruction

  • Another known,rather jovial figure,appears soon enough to the fighting grounds where Shallyah stands.He stops in front of her with a smile

    Jake never missed a date!.Now,shape me as you wish Shallyah.

    his tone then turns to a more serious one