Fight Night at the Lucky Ferret Inn!

  • ((Yep, definitely not there for it - but IC María would totaly be there with her really neat "GRAG" costume 😞

  • The Halfling Defence League

    ((You are correct, madame

  • ((Arrgghhh, the proposed time is set to 10 in the evening, GMT +1, which translates to 4 PM EST if I'm not mistaken!))

  • (I'm on a completely different time area, so I kinda need to know a time too. ^_^ I'll need time to get my now broken laptop set up for a long-term session and get my game transferred onto it.)

  • ((without a time being given, I fear I wont be able to attend. I'll be watching the Hobbit tonight, so.. shrugs!

  • \ A ballpark time would still be greatly appreciated, I know some might not, but others need to get some sleep before they attend! \

  • The Halfling Defence League

    ((I know we haven't set an exact time for this yet guys, but it IS still supposed to go down today, fear not!

  • _Preparations appear to be rolling along nicely at the Ferret, a busy manager overseeing everything from mead delivery, food, props, festive lighting and of course the mystery prizes.

    Sabre seems particularily smug as she reviews the latter, rubbing her little hands together.. whatever shiny baubles could it be?_

  • _The event's minstrel and head heckler has been… well, absent lately. No one's seen her anywhere. Some have begun to wonder if she finally drank herself to death. Others have speculated that she was somewhere in the Mermaid when the last attack on Peltarch transpired and she was shot or stabbed for shooting her mouth off. And a few have even gone so far as to say she lost her damned mind and ran off to hide in the gnoll woods.

    None of it's true, of course. She's merely hiding. Hiding, practicing, and waiting. Any of the College might have seen her out late at night, rehearsing scripts and voices in the center of the Theatre stage.

    (I about died from laughter when I read this. xD I'M SO EXCITED!)_

  • _Yes, ladies and gentlemen, sauntering scallywags and world-weary wenches - after months of agonizing waiting, it's finally time to shed all inhibitions for a night of drama, drinking and good old-fashioned violence at the Lucky Ferret Inn! Forget your troubles and your daily toil and strife for an evening’s sheer escapism, where you can be exactly who you choose to be! Come dressed as your favourite character from legend, story or history, dream up a persona all of your own or why not walk a mile in the shoes of an actual factual hero or villain of today? Your only limitation is your own imagination!

    So without further ado, we proudly presents:_

    Masked Mayhem at the Lucky Ferret Inn!

    1. The Slap An’ Tickle:

    (Single format)

    What makes a masked wrestler truly great? Bub, Black Sails gate guard and experienced theatrical wrestler, maintains that a patented trademark move is the key to fame and fortune (paired with an outfit to challenge the sanity of all onlookers, in his particular case). Winning is one thing, but it’s ~how~ you do it that will be remembered! With this sage advice in mind, each contestant will demonstrate their own trademark move on a combat dummy, opting for either brute strength or sinewy finesse in approach. Inventiveness, hilarity and style will be reviewed by the eminent judges on the jury! Props allowed but not supplied. ((RP, perform roll + either STR or DEX))

    2. Shootin’ Yer Mouth Off:

    (Single / duel format)

    So you walk the walk, but can you talk the talk? Inspired by the Black Sails parrot/s Keet, this loudmouth event tests your ability to downright thrash your opponent using nothing but verbal means. Fling insults, slander, baseless taunts about their mothers – anything and everything is fair game, but amusement factor and inventiveness will likely count for more than a string of curses with the residing jury of judges. ((RP + taunt roll))

    3. The Masked Mayhem Melee!

    (Duel format, melee)

    Let’s get ready to RRRRRRUMBLE! The Masked Mayhem Melee is as simple as can be - NO magic, NO armor, NO weapons and NO magical trinkets. Just you, your opponent and the wrestling of a life time – but don’t forget to stay in character! The special twist of this event lies in just that: you can earn hefty bonus points for incorporating your trashtalk and trademark move into the wrestling match. It may not save your bacon when Bob The Bodybuilder is pinning you to the ground, but it WILL count towards the grand Prima Persona prizes yet to come…

    4. Prima Persona (special):

    The evening’s grand prize rewards originality and flair in both the idea and execution of your character concept, including costume, name and of course how you strut your selected stuff. The style points from the wrestling showdown are included in the overall voting, each guest allowed three votes to distribute to their favourite three personas.

    Time: Saturday 15th of December, euro evening time (exact time to follow)

    Place: The Lucky Ferret Inn, basement

    Drinking! Debauchery! Debasement in the Basement! Come one, come all!

    Sponsored by Senator Maria of Spellweaver’s Keep and Labur Strin’s Brewery! Featuring the musical talents of Kezia of the Bardic College!

  • [[Delete this Please. Sorry.]]

  • ((Well, I'm home sick and don't think I'll have the mental capacity to wrangle all the details together for this weekend - but definitely the next! Stay tuned..))

  • _On one of her rare incursions into the docks district, Ysolde leaves her regards and her remarks suggest she has quite the outfit planned… With some mention of 'The Heart Within us All.'

    Anyone frequenting the market though, will have heard of little being purchased, save a large bolt of gauze.. And oddly, asking about painters who mix thier' own paints._

  • ((due to a number of other events scheduled to the 8th, this one will be set for either Sunday the 9th or saturday evening on the following weekend. I'll confirm a date and post the full advertisement as soon as I've squared things with my DM helper))

  • Peltarch's resident Romani has been spotted dashing about the commerce district as of late, gathering everything from clothing to weapons to a few very strange scrolls. Anyone in the Theatre might have also spotted her upside-down and waist deep in the costume trunks.

    (Are we still doing this on the eighth? I hope not, because there's no way in hell I'll be online that night. :/)

  • Sabre personally spreads further rumours of the event featuring a performance by the up-and-coming bardic star Kezia, with a possible guest star appearance by someone she refers to as 'Bub'…

  • *_Rumour has it that Rith Phoenixfeather will be joining this event. While some seem to think this is a logical move considering it will be sponsored by Senator María, some rumours speak of a conversation in the commons involving Sabre, Luke and the Lathanderite blonde where she actually was convinced to take part.

    Some of the most daring tongues say that not only will the holy woman get neck-deep into the unruly festival, but also that she will do so disguised as a succubus! That should be a sight to behold…_*

  • Sabre grins, clapping Labur on his stout shoulder.

    "Of course! I was lookin' fer ye as it happens.. ye've got free hands in creatin' an ale of yer own invention fer it, I can't wait ta taste it, honey."

  • Labur arrives at the Ferret and asks if they need an ale sponsor for the next round of shenanigans because after all the more booze the better the shenanigans!