
  • Dressed in Cerulean blue and silver, Lycka joins the small audience, giving Albryanna a nod and a swift smile in greeting.

  • D'Cameron motions the man foward:

    • Please, do so. State your name and your relation to the facts and briefly tell us what hapenned that day.

  • Kasim rises, saying politely

    "If it pleases the court, then I, Kasim el Shah, shall present a testimony to clear up the incident."

  • Perhaps I did notice which spell it was, but if i did i did forget.

    But the 'man' showed up on Trial. Perhaps he will speak the truth.

    I have strange memory.

  • A recognizable face appears quite suddenly along the right side of the courtroom, her cinnamon-colored head quickly ducking down amongst the small throng of spectators. She remains completely silent throughout the proceedings, eyes fixated upon the court officials and the one being tried and only breaking their gaze when her hands begin to hastily scrawl notes in a neat-looking black leather journal perched on her knee.

  • ICC

    A warrior with a spear strapped to her back takes a spot in the back observing the trial as word only recently reached her ears about it.

    • A young elven slips in silently, watching the laws of Norwick with some evident pride. She remains hidden in the back to watch but trying not to draw attention to herself *

  • The clap of metal boots on stone echoes softly throughout the hall as a female clad in black and red armour takes a spot near a pillar, using it for a leaning post. She remains silent during the entirety of the trial, her arms folded beneath a blank and emotionless expression.

  • Airquoting? Tipycal respect shown by the Peltarchian crew to Norwick.


    You said this man was casting on nearby travellers.

    Can you tell wich spells were those?

  • _Kasim el Shah, wearing a purple outfit of fine fabric with a matching purple cloak enters the room.

    He takes a seat quietly and watches for now._

  • A young man dressed in robes of purple, black, silver and gold takes up a seat near the rear of the court, listening keenly to the proceedings.

  • A gentle thrum fills the room but is quickly quieted upon Sirion's entry, and he takes up a seat near the front, setting the silent but Screaming Staff at his side, close enough to Chea and D'Cameron to make eye contact with both. Meeting his gaze is not pleasant, but otherwise he commits no action.

  • Escaping 'authority' is not Mystra's Law.

  • Norwick's law is posted all around town, for anyone to read it.

    And it clearly states the following as crimes:

    _Casting of Offensive Magic in Town

    Casting spells in town which do harm as per Assault, or which hinder victims in their lives, which are not purely positive protections or enhancements or healing, is illegal, eg. Darkness, Fireball, Dispel, except in the case of defending oneself or Norwick from presently occurring violent attacks. Members of the Norwick Militia are exempt from this law for the purposes of subduing and lawfully punishing offenders. This law is waived during Fight Night upon the Fairgrounde.

    Invisibility in Town

    Being magically invisible or Ethereal in Town, in public, is illegal, except when escaping from illegal violent attacks on oneself or on Norwick. Members of the Norwick Militia are exempt from this law.

    Resisting or Fleeing Arrest

    Physically striking, grappling, or wrestling with the arresting official, or using magic to achieve the same means, in order to avoid lawful detainment constitutes Resisting Arrest. Successfully resisting arrest and/or escaping from the scene of an attempted arrest by a Norwick official entitled to do so constitutes Fleeing Arrest._

    Is it also Mystra's law to flee from authority?

  • This man started casting first on nearby travellers.

    I've tried to defend them by casting nonlethal spell on offender, then guards sided with the offender.

    I am not sure about Norwick's Law, i was guided by Mystra's Law against abuse of magic ::touches amulet of Mystra on her neck:: .

  • D'Cameron nods towards Chea.

    Good then. I'll read the acusation against you:

    _Chea, was caught casting offensive magic in town towards a man named Kasim.

    A holding spell.

    When guards approached the situation and took all involved for questioning she casted an invisabilty spell and fled._

    Do you remember these events?

    Is there anything you wish to add to the facts at this point?

    Are you aware of Norwick's laws regarding the situation?

    • Yes.