
  • ICC


    _~They had known each other only a brief time, taking joy from the knowing and leaving anything else as not worthy of their time. She was another face in a sea of faces, but at her own wishes. He would not be, nor wanted to be, one of them. An Elf, and bearing a Red Cloak, he came to learn of shadows, only to help live up to the title he bore. ~

    ~She had these things taken care of before, every poor girl was taught how when she was young, this time however, she made a different choice; and it changed her life. The child would be born. She had never raised a child, but she had raised many Hands. ~

    ~The mother raised the child, the father never returned. They lived a poor life, the mother giving up what she knew, to become what she didn't, and loved the child all the more for it. ~

    ~ They made a life of joy and laughter, puzzles and games. In time, the rains came. The mother parted from this realm, the young woman finally left their life, and with final tears, stepped into the larger world. ~_

  • ICC

    Reviewed, XP Pending!