Senate Elections of 1548 - Announcement

  • _Several hours after General Neverith has begun a meeting with the current Senators and Senatorial candidates, he takes to a stage outside City Hall, with all those who attended the meeting present. Of the current Senate, Senators Fisher, Snydders, and Heffa are present, Senator Leaffall is still missing. Of the Candidates, all are present except Senma who has not been seen since the start of the election campaign.

    General Neverith steps forward to speak to the people, motioning for silence._

    Good people of Peltarch!

    The Jewel has been through more than its share of trials over the last year, and I for one am glad that things are beginning to calm down. We've laid the dead to rest, the flooding has subsided, and repairs are in progress to the City walls. And now, I am here to announce to you all the end of Martial Law, and the declaration of the new Senate.

    You have all spoken, and these are your new representatives:

    Magistrate Miranda Greywing
    Lady Talindra Verados
    Maria of Spellweaver
    Sir Mariston Thel
    Jahn Reshor

    They will join the Senate of:
    Senator Heffa
    Senator Ryan Fisher
    Senator Enenen Snydders
    Senator Martoushca Leaffall

    Thus, with the Senate again being restored to its full compliment, there is no need for the Defenders to ensure the rule of law in the streets. They have served us faithfully through this time of turmoil, and deserve their rest.

    Now, I have two more announcements.

    During the elections, many of you called for reforms in how our government is formed and run. I have spoken with our new Senate, and they have agreed that their first action will be to discuss and vote on the following proposals:

    • The Senate to be reduced to seven seats
    • Senate terms to be set at twelve years
    • A code of conduct for Senators, with Senators able to be removed from office for proven breaches of said code
    • The position of Elder Senator to be elected by the people

    Whether these things will pass into law or not, is up to the Senate, but as representatives of the people, I have every faith in their ability to steer our City wisely into the future.

    Finally, with the election of Magistrate Miranda Greywing to the Senate, we have an opening for a Magistrate for our fair City. Should you believe that you have the requisite skills to do such, please apply at City Hall.

    Long live the Jewel!

    The people cheer at this announcement, clearly in favour of the removal of Martial Law and the instatement of the new Senate, as well as the proposed reforms.