Aid the Jewel, General Neverith's Call for aid!

  • _After a week of unrepenting rain, General Neverith moves throughout the city, giving this speech where-ever people are gather in groups of more than ten. He has an escort with him, but it seems to be more people for advice and information than defence.

    People of Peltarch, we have conducted investigations, and found that this storm, whilst not magical in nature, is being caused by something unsual. We don't know if it will stop, or what may cause it to stop, but we know the location of the cause.

    To the north of us remains remnants of the Great Glacier, which was mostly destroyed in the Cracking. Something, or someone there is generating this mass of storm clouds, that have as we speak covered all of the Icelace, stopping shipping and inundating settlements.

    I am calling for those of stout heart and solid will to volunteer, to go forth and investigate what is happening. Perhaps we can stop it, perhaps we can't, but I will not sit by and watch Peltarch be drowned if there's a chance we can do something about it!_

    If you want to be involved, post below! This is occurring at 6 AM Central American Time. At the time of this posting, it is exactly 10 1/2 hours from NOW.

    Due to the extremely dangerous nature of this mission, this sign-up is for Levels 10 and above -only-. The DM simply does not wish a high death count! 🙂

    As an aside by the DM (DM Skippy) because this trip will possibly deal with nature gods, druids, Umberlee, the furies, and so on, whilst everyone is welcome to attend, I'd ask that those who do come be aware that there may be character conflict depending on outlook and dogma. I'm happy to have Paladins AND Blackguards along, but what happens is up to the individual players.

    Also… in this situation, if there IS character conflict based on dogma and such, as long as characters stay in character no-one should lose their deity's favour.

    Sign up below!

  • Event has started, get there quick and you can still join!

  • Elena Arguyle heeds the General's call.

    //Should be able to make this. 😛

  • Talindra shall be there after I consume four pots of coffee!

  • Romulus will be there.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Sails' Petty Officer Leathertail has already volunteered to brave the Icelace's sinister waters once again!

  • The Druid Jerrick, is in the docks working with elementals and magicks aplenty until the time of the trip, which he will be along on as well!

  • ::Defender Shallyah will take part, after receiving the General's approval::