Rising waters...

  • @a523da15fb=destinysdesire1:


    _As the rains continue, and it looks like they're going to breach the sandbags, a druid from the south makes a trip to the docks, and prays to the gods of nature, invoking them each by name and offering a sacred fruit to appease them. At the end, he screams out in druidic, and is struck by repeated bolts of lightning that light up the sky for miles, leaving him charred and burnt, but alive.

    After this, the rain is affected for several hours. It doesn't stop, just lessen, but that's enough to give the workers time to reinforce the wall and buy themselves a little time._

    • Jason hearing the mans plea's and seeing him struck by the bolts rushes over and begins treating him as fast as possible to regulate his heartbeat and channel out the remaining negative energy, using some of the blood from his stigmata on the strike points he prays to Ilmater calling on divine healing to see the man through then carefully gets the man up and into the docks temple and lays him to rest, then when stepping back outside he looks to the sky sadly speaking another soft prayer to Ilmater to ease the suffering of the people he goes back to sandbagging and taking orders where he is needed *

    (I Should have followed up on this one, sorry)

    Raryldor of Correlon and General Neverith were right nearby at the time, with Raryldor restoring the Druid to normal health, and despite being crispy, the Druid really seemed no worse for wear overall, despite being very injured, as if he had gone through this before…

  • _Elena Arguyle, with several other Defender Archangels, has been busy securing the city's water supplies, reinforcing wooden storage tanks and cask warehouses, and distributing fresh water where required.

    The cohort has also been seen disinfecting the streets, stagnant pools and volunteers with herbal pellets and purification spells, including Remove Disease spell as a precaution against any outbreak caused by the flood._

  • @7ab216abd2=rei_jin:

    _As the rains continue, and it looks like they're going to breach the sandbags, a druid from the south makes a trip to the docks, and prays to the gods of nature, invoking them each by name and offering a sacred fruit to appease them. At the end, he screams out in druidic, and is struck by repeated bolts of lightning that light up the sky for miles, leaving him charred and burnt, but alive.

    After this, the rain is affected for several hours. It doesn't stop, just lessen, but that's enough to give the workers time to reinforce the wall and buy themselves a little time._

    • Jason hearing the mans plea's and seeing him struck by the bolts rushes over and begins treating him as fast as possible to regulate his heartbeat and channel out the remaining negative energy, using some of the blood from his stigmata on the strike points he prays to Ilmater calling on divine healing to see the man through then carefully gets the man up and into the docks temple and lays him to rest, then when stepping back outside he looks to the sky sadly speaking another soft prayer to Ilmater to ease the suffering of the people he goes back to sandbagging and taking orders where he is needed *

  • _As the rains continue, and it looks like they're going to breach the sandbags, a druid from the south makes a trip to the docks, and prays to the gods of nature, invoking them each by name and offering a sacred fruit to appease them. At the end, he screams out in druidic, and is struck by repeated bolts of lightning that light up the sky for miles, leaving him charred and burnt, but alive.

    After this, the rain is affected for several hours. It doesn't stop, just lessen, but that's enough to give the workers time to reinforce the wall and buy themselves a little time._

  • ::Defender Shallyah informs the Guards at the West gates that anyone leaving towards the farmlands should probably know that the beach area is also flooded, and a number of powerful Drowned undead were found attacking living beings on sight. Immediately afterwards she heads into the Defender Headquarters::

  • Troff Legion Captain Romulus announced in the Commons that the Jiyyd Ferry is closed due to flooding. Otherwise, the Long Road, the Crossroads, the Spider Woods, the Gypsy Camp, and most importantly, the Nars Bridge looked normal. Water level in Sam's Hole remains high.

    Romulus, Mystic, and Gnarl then took time out from the rain to share some wine sitting around the bearskin rug in the Rats and Bats Restaurant. They brought their own wine since the Rats and Bats selection left much to be desired. Nonetheless, Mystic was kind enough to warn the barkeep and the proprieter that water was rising outside and he might think it wise to pack up his rats and move to higher ground.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Celestria is seen about offering divine and physical aids as needed during the days. Evenings find her at the orphanage, speaking with the children, sharing stories, and generally attempting to eliminate any fears due to the rising waters

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Luke's ratty-coated self is seen hustling around the area of the Ferret and the Sails' nearby warehouse, hauling a few select crates from the latter and helping with the more general flood combating efforts otherwise, lopsided smile still firmly in place.

  • With most of the populace headed indoors because of the rain, Robyn figures the Dancing Mermaid will be understaffed. She volunteers for waitressing and cooking duties, hoping that the proprietor might reduce her rent

  • Largely immune to effects of the storm but otherwise lacking in the strength or conjurations of his peers, Sirion is content to wait out the storm after a few errands. Where ever he is, others may be guaranteed of warm hearth and spiced tea. "It's the way of things. Fire burns, wind blows, and storms pass. But it's not the storm you should be concerned about."

  • Not feeling useless for a moment for her utter inability to be useful with a sandbag or shovel, Joybringer Rhiannon D'inafae of the Bardic College is easily spotted in a purple tunic, upon something raised enough to not get her instruments submerged, and plays for bouts as long as she can to keep morale up, even using her actual magic-infused bard-song whenever a particular effort looks in need of a boost!

    With bright blue hair and an unkillable smile, she's easy to spot, and eager to help the atmosphere!

  • *Dwin Dolvak and many dwarves from the Stone masons are seen heading down into the sewers, carting supplies underground (in many of the same rothe-drawn carts that were used to set up the festivals).

    Word has it that they are shoring up the foundations of some of the oldest buildings in town that were never meant to stand on such soggy and marsh-like ground.*

  • Walter had been helping here and there, although a wizard its beyond arguing about his uncommon might (for a wizard…), and he's normally observed huffing and puffing, or hurling sandbags or helping to lug the larger ones around. In one case, while lugging such a large one, he simply drops his end and dashes off for no given reason. Probably to the annoyance of whomever he'd been assisting. Perhaps he'd forgotten is pork buns, perhaps it was something else... something of an altogether -- more wizardly nature.

    ((continued in Walter's Defender logs))

  • Mystic paces back and forth in the dock area. Her red rich cloak is heavy, as it is soaked in mud.

    She is seen talking to herself, almost arguing with herself in some sort of monologue, however quite audible:

    "Damnit last time I asked if there was anything I could do to help, I was told by the defenders to leave the city"

    … and she continues ... back and forth...

  • ::As the streets seem to be flooded not only by water, but also by every candidate to senator and their friends, the Defender Shallyah takes her task force to the Sewers below to attempt to find any obstructed conducts and help the waters to flow along to improve the situation above. She returns to the surface many hours later having removed corpses and junk from water conducts and vents within the possibilities, and notifying the guards to warn anyone entering the sewers that they are heavily populated by Drowned undead, and although they've been cleared out, it's likely for many more to appear out of drowned cultists::

  • Jason is seen commonly in the docks of Peltarch soaked to the bone, first ensuring that the orphanage has all it needs and that the children including his own son are safe, from there he proceeds around the docks helping anyone in need, be it getting kids to safety or helping move supplies to an intended location, to sandbagging right beside the hard working men and women, taking orders as needed to where he will be best suited as well as offer free healing to anyone for injuries or sickness.

  • _During this time of need, one might ask, where are the Senatorial Candidates and the Senators, the few that remain?

    • Chadwick Whyte is working with his guild, the Seafarers, to secure their ships during the flooding, as well as trying to protect their warehouses from the worst of the water.

    • Jahn Reshor is working with the Defenders, Guards, and volunteers to sandbag the docks, going without rest as much as is possible.

    • Miranda Greywing, with her small stature and lack of magics to call upon, instead of aiding with the sandbagging is helping with the people who have evacuated the docks, ensuring that the City has organised all they can to keep them safe, warm, and fed.

    • The Rat-Master General is working overtime, killing rats en masse with her troops, the terriers running about this way and that, paddling through floodwater where necessary to kill the vermin. Seems she's working towards her stated goal!

    • Rhyla has closed up her offices, but cleaned things up and invited those who need somewhere to stay in to the places she has that are on the second story. Her priority is families first, and men can get out there and damn well defend the city, a sentiment that none argue with.

    • Heffa is working with the dwarves of the city, moving from place to place taking measurements and comparing it to plans he carries with him, making adjustments and shouting orders in Dwarven.

    • Ryan Fisher and Enenen Snydders are nowhere to be seen._

  • María enters the docks with a tired look on her face, despite of this, she goes around casting strengh spells (22 in total) to those who seem to need it more and accept it, as well as protection from elements spells (8 in total).
    She then moves to the 3 spots where they seem to be more in a hurry, those that need to be tended to first, and after asking with a tired smile for them to gather arround briefly, she casts an extended masshaste that affects anyone that got closer. Not known for her massive strengh, María heads back to the inn, only to come back with a bag full of ales and another full of food, which she distributes amongst the workers and volunteers.

    ((Money for the food and drinking to be given to DM still since I didn't know how much to trash.

  • Ashena too pitches in, unrelentingly cheerful and soon as muddy as Talindra as she drags heavy sandbags and supplies with the aid of her trusty paladin steed, Fury. Now and again when struggling with the burdens, a distinct braying sound is heard, before the young paladin giggles to herself.


  • Assisting with Sabre's efforts, Rasuil joins in bringing his own work crew along. Consisting of a small earth elemental for the heavy lifting, a 200 lb black panther for sandbag distribution and.. a small penguin he calls Earl, which doesn't seem to do much beyond enjoying the rising water and chasing after the odd fish. Anyone questioning his methods is met with a stare and a response of "What's tha problem, ye don' want tha help? ..s'what I thought, carry on."