Rising waters...
_Further to the north, things seem very wet, sodden even.
Norwick seems to have its normal mix of rain, rain, sun, and more rain. But what works upstream, affects downstream too.
Slowly but surely, the Rift River rises and breaks its banks, shutting down river trade and transport, leaving those close to the river moving for higher ground.
Such occurrences are a blessing to the farmers, for it spreads rich river silt over their land. So, they see it as a gift from Chauntea. The merchants, however, are less pleased, and grumble about the cost of hiring wagons to move their goods._
//Players may respond to the flood here, if they do anything.
Goblins, Zombies and Orcs – these are things that Yngdír can, and will fight to protect the town of Norwick. But he cannot turn the rain or the tide, and as such he is content to stand where he has always stood. Perhaps if things escalate he will lend his strength, or wisdom to the people. But not yet, not for the wealth of merchants.
** Moved to proper forum **
Ah'ria, Elessar and Cecil travel to the farmlands to check on Ah'ria's concern of the animals standing in water. Letters are sent to Farmer Gorm and Mulligan, informing them of the dangers of their farm animals standing in water for too long and asking them to please move the animals to dry ground or seek help at the Chauntean Temple to perhaps dry the ground where the animals stand.
Hess Arksaniss watches the water, and makes notes in a small book every hour or so, most likely keeping track of the rate at which it rises. After a few hours, he heads toward the Glenn.
Cecil, trying to foresee potential problems, makes the docks area part of his regular patrol route, to guard stacked goods and prevent any opportunistic looting activity, to keep the bargemaster happy and keep crime down.
Anybody with a stuck cart, or needing some help lifting is always lent a hand from the friendly guardsman, and he will happily pay anyone willing to assist him with such endeavors to help foster the sense of community necessary to get through things like this.