Gnolls on the road.

  • Jason had just come from the orphanage and spotted Arlan and a newcomer speaking, when asking what all was going on Arlan mentioned spotting Gnolls on the road past the Tempurian shrine, Jason fearing the worst ran and grabbed his horse and rode off to investigate, after finding the gnolls with two dead behind them he raced back to Peltarch grabbing Constantine and from what he heard, he calling to any others though no one else braved the fight. After prayers from Constantine at Tempus's temple and tying their mounts at Oscura's cavern Jason proceeded to ward up Constantine then move back to the gnolls, he called out twice for parlay then when ignored he opened fire, between him and Constantine the two Gnolls were slayed. From there they discovered the two men were miners, both them and their belongings were gathered up and taken to the temple of Kelemvor and laid before the alter as Jason offered a prayer to Kelemvor to guide and fairly Judge them and protect them. Then offered a prayer to Ilmater thanking him for his boons that day and allowed the priest and priestess to see to the dead, Constantine went upstairs to rest as Jason rode back to Peltarch, he still had much to do before he could rest….

  • Troff Legion Captain Romulus and Legion Private Eregor led a patrol to the gnoll woods to investigate the recent ambush on the road. Joining them were Arthur Forge and his companion Constantine. A loud arguement developed near the start when the paladin Charles and the dwarf Gnarl objected to Arthur being included in the party, claiming that he was "tainted."

    Romulus, who was leading the patrol, declared that he could not judge people's souls, only their deeds, and that Arthur had been true to him so far and would be going on the patrol after all. Gnarl and Charles then elected to back out.

    The patrol was not entirely successful. The group cleared most of the gnolls from the first area and the first and second narrow gorges, but judged that they were not strong enough to venture further. On the way back a number of gnoll warriors were encountered. Arthur and his companion Constantine insisted on proviing their merrit by engaging them in melee, but were clearly overmatched. Arthur fell and Constantine was badly wounded before Eregor could finish the gnolls and Romulus could heal them. Constantine took Arthur's body to Oscura where Father Dorgin raised him.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey