Mariston Thel's Campaign

  • Mariston takes the stand

    Well one can only state that I hath decided to place my trust in thee the people and stand once again.

    I can only stand before thee based upon my actions taken for The Jewel and her people.

    During my years of service to thee I hath striven to create jobs and opportunities for all.

    For our independent traders the Four cogs that art available for hire at a most reasonable rate to facilitate and grow our small independent traders and allow our city’s trade to flourish.

    The Fishing Fleet made available to the people of the docks to allow an independent income and the provision of food for the people. This also allows for a trade and skills to be learned ensuring our people do not go wanting for skills and employment opportunities.

    The four Drakkars made available to our defenders and guards to ensure our waters art safe and patrolled. Thus the safety of our people and trade is bolstered.

    During ones times I hath also ensured the rebuilding of our western defences and the watchtower. To ensure the safety of our people and our brave Defenders, in this capacity for several years the wages of the Defenders were paid for by the Order and oneself, thus enabling the city to concentrate on rebuilding after the war, while safe in the knowledge that her defences were never lessened and those brave Defenders who care for our city and her people wert never left wanting.

    Further to ensuring jobs for our people and an independent economy and building program, the Order and oneself funded and financed through the skills of the Stonemasons guild the quarry that now supplies dressed stone to our city.

    The Lists and festival area created for the city was yet another proposal made by oneself in the Senate.

    The proposals for increased housing in our docks to ensure our city shall never again by blighted as it was during the Blood Plague.

    I couldst continue, however I stand before based upon ones loyal duty served to thee the people and The Jewel.

    I hath stood and fought Tyrants and their minions who sought to take our city from us during our civil war; Korreth fell and his machinations laid to ruin.

    I stood against the very Abyss itself and we prevailed, the city was not dragged by foul magics into the Abyss.

    I stood against Chessekhan and its foul magic, and we prevailed.
    I hath stood against our foes with unyielding determination to ensure our people, our city…This Jewel is safe and prosperous.

    Through the Senate Chambers, the Battlefield and to the depths of the Abyss and Hells I hath stood firm for The Jewel and her people, be assured I shall continue to stand and act as I hath done.

    Let Deeds speak louder than words.

  • ::Mariston does not give a speech, instead he concentrates on the rebuilding efforts. His expertise in architecture and his previous experiences during other rebuilding and building projects coming to the fore::

  • ::Mariston Takes the stand once again::

    Peoples of The Jewel, our great city and home, let me first speak my thanks unto thee for thine time and words.

    Let me address some of the concerns the thee the people hath expressed unto me, I shall take the most pressing matters which affect the city as a whole.

    Shouldst I be elected I shall bring all thine concerns to the table, however at this juncture I shall address the greater over arching concerns.

    I feel this is the best and most honest approach, for I shall not give ones word to actions I cannot in good faith provide a possible solution to.

    First let us be joyful, our city’s economy grows and from the records and analysis of our very intelligent staff in city hall tis set to continue thus.

    What we must ensure is this growth benefits all in the city.

    With a population that is ever expanding we need more housing and provisions for our people.

    Thou seek trade to increase and more avenues opened to our neighbouring lands to increase this.

    I shall speak of these areas first, regardless of if thou elect me once again, I shall and the Order shall provide coin to aid in the re-enforcement of our western lands. Let us once and for all make these safe and secure for our people. We shall offer a sum of twenty thousand coins for this, again there is no caveat to this offer twill be offered regardless of ones election.

    Twouldst be ones goal to see an expansion of farmland and housing to our west, thus freeing our city of overcrowding. With increased farming and horticultural investment we shall hath a more self reliant and cheaper source of food for our people.
    Our land hath never been one well suited to the flora that many wish, yet with well-designed farmland and walled orchards we can with skill and effort create that which we need.

    This will also provide a new area for families to gain a trade and small holdings such as these can allow a true investment in the city and her lands.

    Lady Talindra hath already spoken of the need to build a hospital in our lands, this has ones full backing and fiscal aid. This building shouldst be funded so that it is for all our people, we can never again allow a time like that of the Blood Plague to gain any foothold in our fair city.

    The people must grow with the city, by this I mean they must be able to make the most of themselves. As such schooling and apprenticeships become paramount.
    In this regard I propose a formal apprenticeship scheme whereby the guilds and other employers seek out the most gifted in the city regardless of their social standing to take on the role of apprentice. Let not a person’s origin define their aspirations!

    Further to this I shall seek to create a schoolhouse for our children, along with existing educational bodies this place of learning shall be available to those without the funds to see their children schooled at the traditional establishments.

    These traditional establishments shall continue to accept the students they hath received and will continue to receive, what I propose is that with a small level of funding each year for salaries of tutors a school is created for those less fortunate. Let our people become literate and with this let our creative, scientific and fiscal areas grow. New ideas art the lifeblood of a vibrant economy.
    As such I shall fund the building of the schoolhouse and aid in its start-up costs, thusly I pledge fifty thousand gold pieces to this goal regardless of if I am elected.

    Let us appoint trade ambassadors to seek out new avenues and trade agreements with our neighbours in Damara and to the south in The Vast and The Great Dale. Let us seek to open these trade routes and make the most of our skilled artisans and crafts folk.

    As a seafaring people I propose that we create a Dry Dock and let the city become home to the finest Shipwrights in the lands!

    We hath some of the best land for breeding of Equus ferusm; well horses and their ilk ::Smiles a moment:: Yet with the training started with our defenders and the knowledge of our stables we can expand upon this to create some of the finest breeding stock in the lands and also more mundane draft horses.

    Each of these shall not only expand trade, but also create jobs throughout the city, from tanners, carpenters, and smiths to artisan crafters.

    I stand here before thee, after hearing thine concerns; I seek to earn my mandate once again.

    Let us move forward together to make The Jewel a beacon of hope, compassion, prosperity and innovation.

  • _On the third day, Mariston pays to hire out the entire Dancing Mermaid inn, and opens it to the people. Amidst the drinking and dancing, he sets aside an area to speak quietly with those who wish to talk to him, as well as an area for a healer to see to those who need it.

    Many of the merchants make the effort to speak with him, as does a union leader and several guild leaders, notably including Chadwick Whyte and Richard Hardin. Seems there's bigger concerns here than others might have thought.

    The festive atmosphere continues on well into the night, with the people eventually leaving in a good mood._

  • _The day after Mariston meets with people in the docks, he opens his house in the Residential District, welcoming in any and all who wish to visit him… to see how he lives, meet with him where he is, and see the truth behind the man.

    Many nobles visit, taking the time to see their friend and ally. Some other folks make the trip from other districts, partially out of curiosity, partially out of a desire to make him uncomfortable. But it doesn't work, with Mariston being ever the cordial host, welcoming each and every person._

  • _As the days march on towards the election, Mariston steps into action, as he said he would. Firstly, he opens a warehouse in the docks and provides free food and drink, as well as having medical supplies and a healer on hand should they be needed. There's no sign of Defenders or Guards in the Warehouse, but there is Sir Mariston himself, dressed in neat clothing and welcoming each person who enters personally.

    At first, the people seem reluctant (at best!) to enter, with many of them shouting abuse at him. Eventually though, a young woman gets up the courage to go in despite the mob, bringing with her her children. And where one goes, others will follow… at first, a trickle, but then a steady stream.

    Mariston stays in the docks for a day and night, listening to any and all who speak with him, treating them as equals and taking in their concerns regardless of how well or poorly spoken they are.

    What effect this will have on the situation in the docks though, remains to be seen._