A summons to all heros!

  • On one of his routine dumpling-runs to the Ferret, Cerulean Knight Walter notices the summons. With puffed up cheeks full of dough and pork he narrows his eyes severely at the letter, and puffs out his chest in the most heroic fashion (for a wizard)

    "Mmf mff…" he swallows the remainder of a steamed bun "Nnh, its been a long time since I even lifted a sword. And now they're summoning 'all' heroes to kick Cyricist butt. Jason Selious. Its time to get Jason Serious."

    He about turns with his hands on his hips, his eyes maintain their narrow twinkle of fervor… for about three seconds, till he recalls the mountains of Defender paperwork he's duty-bound to sift through. Who knows? Perhaps fortune will see the Cerulean take part in this purge of all evil in the sewers.

    ((I'll see what I can do. 🙂

  • ((Point, if you're going to seek them out one by one. Editing.))

  • (( not to question a DM's call, but wouldnt the time specified be OOC? Technically Jason would seek them out and tell them when ICly thus the brackets marking it OOC ))

  • A dwarven woman in a long coat, passing through Peltarch on some nameless errand with an odd device slung over her back, reads the letter and then scribbles a note on it:

    _"By posting this up in plain sight for the entire city to see, you have cunningly informed any Cyricists who inhabit the city and can read of your coming raid and even the names of the people who will be involved. If you are lucky, they will simply absent themselves.


  • Kasim stops caring about one sentence in and walks off.

  • @40c6953985=alpine_dingo:

    Kasim notices the note one day, offering some free advice

    "So he's promising to do what the knights do every day… but not every day? Now if he really wants some votes, give them some brooms and mops, then send them down there."

    • spotting Kasim and hearing his "Advice" he approaches and speaks in a calm and collected manner *

    Actually all the knights really do is a quick round up, most groups go to the barrows which is filled with undead, while I do not dismiss how serious an infestation that really is, we would like to bring a bigger focus to the factor people are being kidnapped and sold as slaves, recently one of peltarches loved members were kidnapped and sold to Banites as a slave. Right here in the docks district. Me and my group were the ones that went out and rescued dear Marie and brought her home. We do not at any time discredit the hard working Soldiers, Defenders, Archangels, or Ceruleans that have fought these buggers for we do know how strong they are, what we are saying is that its time to stop playing games with them and seek to remove them once and for all!

  • Kasim notices the note one day, offering some free advice

    "So he's promising to do what the knights do every day… but not every day? Now if he really wants some votes, give them some brooms and mops, then send them down there."

  • ::Sergeant Shallyah of the Defenders as well notices the poster as she exits the sewers with another twelve Defenders and six Archangels from their weekly cultist round-up. She scans it quickly with her grey eyes and walks on towards the Headquarters disregarding it. If she has an opinion, she doesn't make any indicating gesture of it::

  • Ashena notices the poster on her way to the bathhouse, covered in goo and grime. She doesn't sign it, instead makes a bit of a grimace and goes about her usual routine, cleansing off the dirt of the city's dark underside with a long, hot bath. The next day sees the knight and her companions get down and dirty all over again as the fight continues underneath Peltarch, elections or no elections above.

  • _Some human man signs, his skin pale and his mouth upturned in a grin.

    "Ghaun Bagwadar"

    After signing, he departs wordlessly._

  • (removed Robyn's name. Sorry, didn't see the 1pm EST start time. I'll be at work)

  • Romulus adds his name to the list.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey