Another speech held at the podium....

  • ((500 gold trashed, all approved by rei_jin))

    A tanned human male with a kept beard and moustache walks upon the podium as the crowd finishes gathering. He is wearing a fine purple tunic, black pants, kneeboots and a fine silk sash tied around his belt. A small purple hat sits atop his head and a great blue cloak is wrapped around him. Despite his smaller than average size, his voice reaches even the most far ears with ease.

    "Virtually none of you know me. So allow me to introduce myself: my name is Kasim el Shah, a minor scholar from the far mysterious land of Calimshan. Calimshan is a wonderous land, no doubt, of so much luxury and of millions of people, yes millions. However, there is a dark and terrible side to Calimshan… the politics. Backstabbing, assassination, bribes, criminal gangs, lying, cheating, blackmail, rogues in the night... these are some of the nicer words I can use to help me describe the politics of Calimshan.

    When I arrived in Peltarch and paid attention to the senate and the elections here, I was struck at the difference! Instead there were noble knights, good intentioned mages and magistrates, honest traders, all involved in such an open process supported by you, the people!

    That was... until I paid attention to the campaign of Moigan Galar. Immediately I was reminded of home, of Calishite politics, of the lies and sneaking around. All he offers are vague, general promises with no real solutions... all this from someone who hasn't even lived in Peltarch very long. How suspect I said to myself! Then I heard, as you all did, of his rogue brethren sneaking around in the night, tearing down the voices of those who speak against him! Even more suspect!

    So I decided to ask questions for myself. But whomever I asked, even from his fellow dwarves, no one seemed to know anything about this "Moigan"! He is more ghost than dwarf it seems, much like the shady politicians of Calimshan. But then I finally found someone who knew of him, a good friend of his apparently, another dwarf by the name Fafir Ganeer. But even though, how secretive he was! When I asked about Moigan, genuine curiosity, he locked up, and refused to reveal anything about this -Elusive Man-! I cannot imagine what secrets he held! But, Fafir did by accident pass on a single bit of information to me... that Moigan is part of the Council of Moradin, the council of Dwarves!

    Then, it all came together. Forgive me if I say what you are already all thinking, but it must be said. It was so obvious all along, but the pieces came together! The cadre of rogues working for Moigan in the night, his elusiveness, his sudden interest in becoming a senator despite having not lived in Peltarch for long at all. It all comes together... he is nothing but a puppet for the COUNCIL OF MORADIN! He seeks not the betterment of any of you, he seeks the silence of his critics and speaks the words of the dwarves to the south, not of the people of Peltarch. So here I give this warning to you all... do not vote for this Moigan. Do not vote for this ghost of a man, do not vote for this puppet of the Council of Moradin, do not vote for this man whose dwarven grunts silences critics in the night, do not vote for this Calishite Politician of a man!

    And with that, Kasim tips his hat to the crowd, then walks off the podium.

  • _The crowd listens to the foreigners words, some of them begin talking amongst themselves, with exclamations of "Never heard o' him 'fore the 'lections, now it makes sense!" and "Down with muckrakers!".

    All in all, the combination of the posters and flyers, and now these speeches, seems to have turned the majority of the city against Moigan, where once they were neutral for the most part. He's going to have a lot of work to do to undo the damage wrought against him.

    The words of the wizard and the elf do silence those near them, but otherwise, the crowd seems to have made up its mind._

  • A chuckling old wizard with a raven on his shoulder comments to the people near him in the crowd

    "A man self-proclaimed as being from a land of liars and deceivers does come onto the stage to accuse another of being a liar and deceiver. The bardic college truly has outdone their previous satires. Bravo, I say. Bravo!"

    He claps and his raven flaps its wings.

  • Raryldor calls from the crowd

    Return to Calimshan, Pasha's discarded whelp! This city is free and fair, and we do not abide craven slavers!