Hey hey heeeeeey!

  • Hey what's up Narfell,

    I've been here for about what… 5 days? Finally set up my forum account and decided to pop in and make myself known. I am a longtime veteran of HCR and glad that I finally found a server that is not afraid to state that it is mature. This place seems to have all the elements of a good HCR server so hopefully I can get a few good stories going on here. Thanks for being friendly and helpful and I will see you all when I see you. 😎 Peace

  • Hi! I've seen you log in a few times. Welcome to Narfell! If you ever see Celestria or Ah'ria, that's me. Don't be afaid to say hi! Honestly, only one of them bites… but you'll have to find out which one in game. Grins

    Welcome again!

  • Nice ta have ya here!