Chadwick Whyte's Campaign

  • _During a lull in the city's new existence under martial law, a new stand is hastily constructed for the new candidates to put forward their dreams and desires for the city they love.

    The first new candidate is Chadwick Whyte, who takes to the stage wearing the colours of a Seafarer, although definitely neat and well tailored._

    People of Peltarch! Sons and daughters of the Jewel… I come before you today to ask for you to listen to my words, and heed them! Heed them well, for this city is in turmoil, and it needs us all to be strong in its hour of need.

    What need is this, you ask?

    Look around you, to your left, and to your right. Peltarch is a free city, is it not? Then why is it we have an army on our streets? Why do we live under martial law whilst the ones who caused this situation, this calamity, walk free?

    Why was it, that when the great Rath Ashald died, we had no new election? Nor did we have one when Adrian Petrarch abandoned us, nor again did we have one when Ronan Redralen died... WHY?

    Some would say that the city was in turmoil at the time, that elections would have been ill timed. Others though, point to an ineffective Senate, a Senate that has failed its people. We had no elections when we had the chance for them, AND NOW WE LIVE UNDER MARTIAL LAW because what could, indeed, what SHOULD have been done, was not.


    As a candidate for the Peltarch Senate, I hereby declare that should I be elected, I will seek to reform the process of how a Senate is formed and governed... from set terms of office, to how a senator can be removed, and what is to happen when one leaves.

    You don't want me to promise you things I cannot deliver on... we'd all love to be wealthy, we'd all love to not have to work, but I'd be lying to you if I said I could deliver these things.

    So here's what I say.

    I cannot promise you wealth, but I CAN promise you that I will work every day that I have, to ensure that Peltarch will be a fair and just city, with opportunities for everyone to succeed in whatever it is they wish to do in this life.

    I cannot promise that our city will always be peaceful, but I will strive for peace with our neighbours, and to ensure that our army is well armed and provided for. It's not THEIR fault that they are here on the streets now... indeed, they are there to protect us from harm. Harm brought about by an ineffective Senate who did not do the job before them.

    Here is one thing I will promise you. I will never stop fighting for the rights of Peltarchians to have their voices hear. You have a bone to pick with the Senate? Come and tell me, I'll do my damndest to make sure that your complaint is heard and something done about it.

    The Senate is here to represent YOU. YOUR rights, YOUR voice, YOUR goals, YOUR dreams. This is YOUR CITY. Together, let's retake it! Vote for Chadwick Whyte!

    As he finishes his speech, he raises a fist in salute to the people, who roar in response to him. Seems he's got a few supporters in the crowd now

  • After Rhyla leaves the stage, Chadwick Whyte gets up to speak.

    I don't have a long speech for you. Now's not the time, or the place for it.

    I want to see Peltarch prosper. I want to see new trade routes opened, and our people live in peace and security. I want us to be so strong, that no-one will dare to attack us in our homes, or bring battle to our streets.

    If you want that too, then vote for me tomorrow.

    Chadwick Whyte… Whyte is right.

  • Chadwick snatches on the opportunity given to him by the stepping down of Richard Hardin, and makes an impromptu speech from the Rant Stand.

    People of Peltarch!

    Aren't elections great? You get to see the truth behind every candidate, or as much of the truth as anyone can find out… and my opponent, Richard Hardin of the Wavebreakers has been shown for what he is!

    Good people of my fair city, you deserve a solid Senate, and you deserve Senators you can trust to hold their nerve. Hardin the elder quit when the going got tough, and now Hardin the younger has stepped down just because people were shown the truth about him.

    What would someone like that do if we had a war with the Firegiants now? Would they just act like a whipped dog, rolling onto its back to let the enemy rip it apart?

    You deserve wolves, not wimps. Vote for me, and I'll make sure that our enemies get what they deserve.

    Vote for Chadwick Whyte!

    With conflict between the Seafarers and the Wavebreakers having been a constant in Peltarch for generations, the people lap up this latest speech, some of them going through the streets chanting;

    "Whyte is right! Whyte is right!"

    For their own part, the Wavebreakers seem to have hunkered down, wishing all this would just go away.