Oh gods, what did I get myself into?

  • ICC

    Sinister Cackle

    Welcome to Narfell… my child.... :twisted:

  • I managed to dig up Jerrick's disc and according to a spec check my crappy Dell can handle running it - no harm in trying!

    I've been on several forums, but I've lost contact with all of my regular places over the last year and a half (lots of moves, sickness and general apathy when it comes to being creative with words), so I found myself with nothing to do when I decided to make my comeback. Jerrick showed me his journals here on the forums and I immediately decided to make an account. I'm so excited to get back into the swing of roleplaying, and everyone here seems really knowledgeable and willing to bear with an old-timer. xD

  • Welcome! I started out as a shoulder-lurker myself, though with practically zero actual role-playing experience, then threw myself in off the deep end when I found employment in one town while my "shoulder" remained in another to complete his studies. It didn't take long to be bitten by the bug… 😄