Sent to the election campaigns

  • A flyer is sent round to the various people running for Senate, and posted on bulletin boards for good measure:

    Do you have the expertise to fight and win?

    Good messaging can mean the difference between a senate seat and being an also-ran. Just ask non-senator Chadwick Whyte, deemed a shoe-in, whose campaign mysteriously collapsed in the final weeks. Or Senator Leaffall, who benefitted from expert messaging that made her a more… appealing candidate than she might otherwise have been.

    You too can take the same expertise that decided these contests.

    Here at Carlos Roam & Daughters, we stand ready for financial or other considerations to deploy our expertise on your behalf. Our clients enjoy immunity from our work and the fruits of our many years of experience and independent messaging arm.

    We also accept commissions from friends and supporters of candidates.

    Contact our offices to arrange a rate or other deal. Remember, you're running for office because you love this city... and all's fair in love and war.

    Carlos Roam and Daughters
    The Winning Side