Rhyla Featherdown's Campaign

  • The last candidate takes to the stage, flanked by beautiful men and women dressed in provocative clothing. She winks seductively at the crowd and blows them a kiss, before taking out a magical rod and speaking into it… the rod seeming to amplify her voice


    I love Peltarch, and I love her people!

    The crowd roars, many of them knowing the speaker from her last campaign.

    I am Rhyla Featherdown, and I have to say, you've certainly given me a great reception. Some of you I know, some of you I don't, but I can say with utter certainty that you all know what I do.

    These lovely ladies and lads here, they provide a service that without which, the ships would stop coming. Without them, the trade would stop. Some don't like what we do, but it's a valued profession with a place in society, you can bet your bottom dollar.

    Peltarch's greatest wealth may be its people, but its people need to be fed and clothed, they need jobs. I know how to run a business, and I know how to protect people. I know how commerce and trade works, and I know to make sure that your customers come back time and again.

    For the next two tendays all services that my ladies and lads provide are half price, and your first time is free.

    If you like what you see, be sure to come and see more of it, and be sure to vote for me, Rhyla Featherdown.

    She waves to the people as she finishes, her lads and ladies waving as well, and blowing kisses.

  • Rhyla takes the stage, it's obvious she's been crying.

    I'm stepping down as a Candidate. May the gods bless Peltarch and those chosen to rule her.

    She leaves the stage as suddenly as she took it, refusing to speak with anyone.

  • As the two tendays of half price servicing runs out, Rhyla has her people organise a rally in the docks, taking advantage of the hallowed area set up by the statue of Istishia to help her speech carry extra gravitas.

    Citizens of the Jewel!

    Thankyou for coming out today to see me! And many thanks to my fellow Senatorial Candidate, Maria, for setting up this area of feel good magic… I feel positively blessed by the sun god to be here before you today!

    You all know me, I've lived and worked in the docks for many a year. Some of you I know better than others, but there's one thing that ties us all together.

    We're all equal, before the gods.

    Rich or poor, good or bad, the gods will judge us for what we've done with what we had in this life. Some of you barely scrape by, others of you run successful businesses, but we are all the same at the core.

    We all have the same needs; to be fed, to be clothed, to be loved... and I am here to tell you that if you elect me for the Senate, I will work tirelessly to make sure that you are all fed, that you are all clothed, and that you are all loved. I know, hearing that you'll all be loved from me has all sorts of things attached to it, but what I really mean, is that you all have value and worth, and I want to make sure that you know that the Senate realises that!

    You all deserve to be treated as people, not as numbers or even worse, as cattle to be driven to and fro to do the work desired of you. There's only so long you can milk a cow before she runs dry, and I don't know about you, but I'm about out of milk and I'm ready to say so!

    More taxes on those with profitable businesses! Less taxes on those struggling to get by! Tax incentives and low interest loans to those wanting to break out of the cycle of poverty! These are the things I'm offering to you, these are the things I will do my damndest to see put in place.

    Sometimes, all it takes to get ahead in life is a helping hand.

    Vote for Rhyla, and I'll help you get ahead.

  • After a particularly busy day for her people, Rhyla jumps up onto an impromptu stage in the docks, and addresses those gathered.

    Citizens of the Jewel, my you have a lot of stamina!

    I'm here to tell you that I have just as much, and I'll be using that same stamina to fight for you in the Senate, if you elect me.

    A vote for Rhyla is a vote for the people!

  • _Business in the docks seems to swell, especially as the troubles of the city increase. Rhyla's workers seem to be flat out, but she herself can be seen, smiling and waving to the people every day, moving through the crowd like a splash of colour in a sea of grey.

    For her own part though, Rhyla doesn't seem too worried about campaigning, preferring to let the… ahem... oral tradition of things work its magic for her._