Miranda Greywing's Campaign

  • After Jahn's moving speech, a diminutive figure moves forward, wearing her magistrate's robes and holding onto her staff of office. She motions to one of the workers, who puts in place an extra set of stairs on the stage for her to stand on, so that everyone can see.

    I am Mirandra Greywing, and I am not a fiend!

    Some of the crowd laugh, others jeer, but others still seem to have no clue what she's going on about.

    Good people of Peltarch, I have served you faithfully as a Magistrate for decades now, and as I approach my zenith, I wish to offer you something more than I have so far. Not just a sound mind and quick wit, but an open heart. I love you Peltarch, you are the reason I get up every morning and look in the mirror, oversized though it may be, and you are the reason I pull on these robes every day, even though I had to have them altered at the tailor.

    Did you know that Peltarch is almost unique in all the cities of Faerun in that it has no racial or sexual restrictions on who can stand for Senate? Here, any man or woman, human or elf, hin or dwarf can stand tall and put themselves forward as a candidate for the Senate. This is a city where anyone and everyone can be all that they can be, and no-one tries to stop them!

    I've seen the worst, and I've seen the best… but I believe that there is better yet to come. I ask you Peltarch, to put your faith in me as you have put your faith in the law that I have administered on your behalf for so long now, and to vote for me that I might serve your needs on the Senate.

    Remember, a vote for Miranda Greywing is a vote that counts!

    Unsure whether she's having them on or serious, the crowd seems to settle on cheering for the hin as she leaves the stage and a worker removes her extra steps.

  • Greywing takes to the stage with a wooden box in her hands. She puts it down, stands on it, and raises her voice to the people.

    Peltarchians, I've worked with you, for you, and beside you for decades now. You know me and I consider each and every one of you allies in the battle we face each and every day to keep our city safe from all the harms of this world.

    Free from oppression. Free from hunger. Free from strife. Free from homelessness. Most of all, free to decide our own fate.

    Tomorrow, you will hold in your hands the strands of fate that will guide the city for the future. Choose wisely, and know that whatever you choose, I will be with you.

  • Perhaps sensing the unsettled mood, posters go up:


    Restoring trust and stability

    Regularity, order, the rule of law, and justice. These are values promoted by Miranda Greywing for decades, and they are qualities she will bring to the new, better senate.

    In these troubled times, who better to restore tranquility and trust than the most trusted Magistrate of all?

    Keep Calm – Vote Greywing

  • Posters go up:


    There are a lot of exciting candidates this year. They sketch bold new ideas and talk of fancy projects and high aspirations. Many of them deserve a look, and you may well end up taking a chance on one or more of them.

    But when taking a chance on an 'exciting' candidate, it's good to hedge your bets with a safe vote… a proven vote….. someone who has already been tested and shown to be a superior public servant and a responsible leader.

    That's why, whoever else you vote for, you should put in a vote for Miranda Greywing.

    Miranda Greywing - Known. Trusted. Reliable.

  • _Continuing with the wave of support that she has, a stage is set up in the Residential District, with the view set up so that those watching the stage can see beyond it to the docks and the ships that enter and leave there.

    A good crowd gathers, many from the Residential district, and a fair number from the other districts, with flyers, shirts and badges being given out to those who wish them to show their support for the Magistrate.

    After a while, Miranda Greywing takes to the stage and addresses those who have gathered._

    Good people of Peltarch!

    We are more than halfway through the election campaign, and I feel I'm just beginning to break into my stride. You've all been so supportive of me, me, a humble servant of the city, and it's left me feeling like this isn't MY campaign anymore, it's OUR campaign.

    Together, we're working towards a brighter future. Together, we're going to make sure that OUR voices are heard, and that OUR children will live in prosperity and peace.

    How will I work to see this happen? What exactly are my policies?

    Let me share with you, my vision of the future of Peltarch.

    Under the rule of the Senate, our city has grown from twelve thousand citizens fifty years ago, to almost twenty thousand today. That's a massive increase! This increase in population has brought with it prosperity, but also, more difficulties. There are pressures on housing, pressures on food supply, and on the services of our guards.

    If I am elected Senator, I will work to secure new trade deals and trade routes with our neighbours across the Icelace. This will bring with it a reduction of pressure on food supplies, and thus a reduction in the cost of living for the average citizen. Furthermore! It will open up business opportunities for those who are well off, to increase their own wealth and help the city that we all love.

    For housing, we will work to extend the city walls further to the west of town, and open up a new housing estate for the people. This is important in planning for the future, so that we never have a situation like we did in the Blood Plague one hundred years ago, where so many of our people died due to avoidable circumstances.

    And lastly, this increased prosperity we have seen will allow us to employ more Guards and Defenders, to ensure the safety of ALL our people. They do a wonderful job, and I know that I can rely on them utterly to do what is best for the city, regardless of the cost to themselves.

    If there is something YOU want to see changed, or introduced, come and speak with me please. This isn't MY campaign, it's OUR campaign, and I want to be YOUR voice in the halls of the Senate.

    Vote for me, Vote for us! Vote for Miranda Greywing, because I am not a fiend!

  • _As Greywing continues campaigning, something of interest happens to those who call themselves "political analysers". Several hins and gnomes of note make the trip from the Silver Valley to meet with with her, and afterwards, they're seen to be smiling and shaking hands.

    Seems that she has the support of her people, as well as that of many of the human population of Peltarch._

  • _A parade of sorts takes place at the rant stand.

    One by one, several citizens of Peltarch take to the stand and tell about how when they came to trial, Miranda Greywing dealt with their case in a fair, level-headed manner that saw justice done. Some of these citizens benefitted, like a woman who was about to fraudulently be turned out of her home. But others were actually fined or convicted, like one cheeky rogue who says, "She saw through me; it was a fair cop an I takes me hat off to her."

    A good sized crowd watches all this, no doubt aided by a number of people who circulate through the district informing passerbys that something is going on of interest at the rant stand._

  • Posters go up across the city:


    In a time of turmoil, the guiding hand of the law

    Miranda Greywing has loyally served Peltarch as magistrate for decades. Despite assassination attempts, despite wars, despite long hours and tough decisions, she has tirelessly worked for the people of the Jewel… for YOU. In the process she has gained a reputation as Peltarch's most unbiased, nonpartisan judge, with no higher loyalties than the city and the law.

    Now, in these troubled times, she can work for you on the senate.

    You know Miranda because she's served you for years. You know she can be trusted with power and won't act like certain other senators have in the past. With Miranda Greywing, you get a sober, serious, dedicated servant of the people… a senator who can work with her colleagues to get things done... a safe, reliable vote that you'll never have to regret.

    Vote For Miranda Greywing - The Candidate For Good Government

    (Paid for by Sturdy Union of Concerned Citizens United Because Unity is Strength)

  • _As Martial Law is put in place throughout the city, Magistrate Greywing can be seen walking the streets with some of her supporters, seemingly not in fear for what is happening, instead stopping to speak with the people and share a word or a joke with them.

    Word goes around that she will be holding a rally in the Commerce District in a tenday, inviting all to come and enjoy the food and drink that will be provided to those who attend.

    Some seem uninterested in this, but many welcome the spectacle and the opportunity for a ray of light in this time of trouble._

  • Posters go up in the Nobles' Quarter:


    Education and the Law.

    For years Miranda Greywing has served the city of Peltarch in one of its most important positions, gaining fame for her learning, refinement, and firm commitment to the rule of law. No jumped-up adventure or street-corner demagogue, Greywing has been the voice of Peltarchian authority to mob, thug, housebreaker, and traitor alike, a voice they have feared.

    Greywing is a known quantity whose views and performance have already been proven in the highest levels of Peltarch's state. A vote for Greywing is a safe vote, as safe as the Bank of Peltarch. She will work to enhance the security of the state, the prosperity of the state, and the position and status of it's people.

    Don't risk your vote on an unknown factor. Vote Greywing and Stability.

    (Paid for by Sturdy Union of Concerned Citizens United Because Unity is Strength)