Jahn Reshor's Campaign

  • After Maria and Val leave the stage, a young man with blond hair and grey eyes steps up, clothed in a sable outfit with a fine silver longsword clasped to his waist. As he speaks, he speaks confidently and with an air of grace;obviously someone who is used to public addressing.

    Sons and daughters of the Jewel, I come to you today as a man, and only a man. I have no tales of great conquest, or powerful magics to call upon to impress you. Neither can I show you battlescars or a huge purse to call upon from years of commerce.

    I am Jahn Reshor, the direct descendent of Captain Reshor, a true son of the Jewel who died defending the Senate during the Peltarch Civil War. He too, stood for the Senate and he did his duty for this city, paying the ultimate price.

    Since that time my family has worked had to restore what was lost, both from our own house, and from Peltarch. We run a small but profitable business selling steel to those who arm the Defenders of our fair city, and what we can spare, we do, to help out those less fortunate. I am not unaware of the plight of many of our citizens, and I swear that I will do everything in my power to improve the lot of all, not JUST the wealthy.

    My appeal to you is simple. I'm not here for you to fall in love with me, or name your children after me. I'm here, to do MY DUTY to this city that I love, that my family loves, that we have loved for generations. We KNOW Peltarch, and we KNOW who you are, sons and daughters of the Jewel. This city's strength lies not in steel, or in stone, but in the hearts and minds of those who call it home, and it is for them that I will fight.

    Vote for me, Peltarch, and I will not stop serving this city until breath leaves my body. Vote, for Jahn Reshor.

    With a smile and a wave, Jahn leaves the stage, then heads out through the crowd to speak with any who wish to talk with him.

  • After the chaos of the flooding, and then the undead attack on Peltarch, Jahn has been running to and fro, doing whatever he could. He takes some time out from helping with whatever he can do, to address the people.

    Citizens of Peltarch, you've been through hell, and you deserve someone on the Senate who will speak for you and give you not what you want, but what you need. We're all hurting right now, and I have seen men and women die in their duty to keep us all safe.

    I don't think that I am worthy of that sacrifice, and I don't think I'll ever match up to their bravery or strength in the face of adversity. But, I want to try.

    Vote as your heart tells you to, and if you choose to vote for me, I'll do the best I can for you.

    Not for myself, or my family. But for those who died that we might live.


  • _After several tendays, whilst Jahn holds a commanding position, he goes from bar to bar, tavern to tavern, even to the various shops and gathering places in person, telling people that he will be speaking soon outside town hall. As he goes from place to place, he seems to gather more and more people around him, until he has a crowd, thousands strong, clambering to hear him.

    When he gets to the town hall, where a stage has been set up for him, he jumps up on the stage, and raises his hands to silence the crowd._

    Men and Women of the Jewel! Humans, Hins, Dwarves, Elves, and all goodly folk, thankyou for your confidence in me! Thankyou for trusting me to bring you here, and your willingness to listen to me, just as I have listened to you every day since this campaign began.

    For those who don't know me, I am Jahn Reshor, and I'm running for the Senate. The number one question I've been asked since I started running, is actually "Who are you?"

    Let me share with you something of my background.

    My family can trace its history in Peltarch back to the days of the Fisher King, and whilst we've been ever present, we certainly haven't been amongst the foremost nobles of the land. Our position has always been as servants to the people, with our business focussed on providing resources to those who equip the good men and women who serve the city, such as the Defenders and the Guards.

    Many of you would know stories of the Peltarch Civil War… perhaps you had a grandfather or a great grandfather who took part in it. So did I. His name was Captain Reshor, a man of the Defenders, who was running for the Senate himself. He was assassinated by forces loyal to Koreth, the man who would divide our city and ensure the death of many of our people.

    Since that time, we have worked to rebuild what was lost, and it is only now that the Defenders and Guards are back to full strength after the N'jast war, that we decided to try and serve our beloved city in a new way, in the way that my grandfather tried to, and was assassinated for his efforts and his unwillingness to bend his knee to evil.

    Today, I swear before you all, that I will honour his sacrifice, and I will serve the city as he sought to do, and as he did, laying down my life if I must to protect the ideals upon which the Jewel is based.

    Some of my critics have said that I don't have my own platform upon which to build a campaign. I agree! I DON'T have my own platform, or my own agenda, beyond being a servant of the people. You bring me your concerns, and THEY'LL become my platform, my agenda.

    Some of you are concerned about how taxes are being spent, others about health, housing, education for your children. I'll bring these concerns before the Senate and we will find a way to give you the services you deserve.

    Others have spoken to me about defence, about safety, and jobs. I will work to ensure that the Defenders are given the funding and support they need to do the job we need them to do. I will do what I can to encourage businesses to grow and expand, so that our city can enter a new generation of prosperity.

    Vote for me, Jahn Reshor. Your voice in the halls of power.

  • _As the election campaigns continue, Jahn's position as an unknown element seems to be aiding him, as people project what they want a Senator to be onto him, seeing him as their champion, their voice, their man.

    Jahn himself is savvy enough to make this work for him, remaining slightly mysterious but open enough to draw people to him. If an election were held today, he'd be a shoe in._

  • Posters go up:


    The Workingman… the Aristocrat.... the Poor Man... the Wealthy Merchant... JAHN RESHOR can speak to all of them.

    Problems come about because one class is ignorant of the other's fears and concerns. They come about because one Senator only speaks for a FEW people, instead of for everyone. Jahn Reshor speaks for Peltarch. He listens to the poor, and the wealthy heed his counsel, for he is no rabid demagogue, but a responsible leader intent on seeing all classes of the Jewel thrive.

    Jahn Reshor will not contribue to gridlock and fighting on the Senate, that bane of its existence. He will work with all sides to do the work that benefits everyone. There is much all citizens can agree on, rich or poor. We all want more money in the city, more security, a stable situation abroad, and the good will of the gods. These are not impossible goals, even if many senators have lost sight of them. Jahn Reshor will not.


  • _Posters go up in the Dock quarter.

    They have two panels; the first shows Reshor listening intently, with an air of concern, to a workingman handing him a rolled petition. The second panel shows a confident and strident Reshor, petition in hand, speaking to a group of obviously powerful and important people._


    Your voice in the halls of power… Your champion among the elect. VOTE JAHN RESHOR.

  • _Within a tenday of his first speech, gilt edged invitations are issued to many nobles and dignitaries, including high standing citizens of the different races of Peltarch.

    When the night of the Gala Event comes around, an ocean of silk and lace seems to sweep onto a ship specially brought to Peltarch for the occasion, her boughs made of beautiful maple and oak, ribbons of black and silver silk flowing from her sails in celebration.

    The party goes on long into the night, with the sounds of revelry echoing through the docks. Some of the locals speak about the two faced nature of nobility, but others seem satisfied that a senatorial candidate knows what is expected of them, that they would stand apart from the people._