Maria's Campaign

  • _Just before night-time, the night before the mob erupts in the docks, when the dock’s workers start getting back home, trumpets echo through the whole district, accompanied by the rhythmical beat of drumming. A band of musicians play cheerful songs followed by many of regular Peltarch citizens that carry colourful signs, flowers and balloons. Most of the signs, as in the previous rally, read María’s most known slogan “Get Buffed!Vote María”. Others, larger ones that are carried by several citizens at once speak about other significant messages that they show to the people on the streets. “Vote for change” or “Less talk, more action”. Of course, bards and new criers are mixed in the crowd, probably knowingly of this event to take note of it.

    The parade starts next to the temple and moves around the Inn’s and apartments at the centre of the district. Followed by a private company of sellswords of benin nature, who are only armed with batons and have been instructed to carry to the city guards any individuals looking to disrupt the event to take place, the parade reaches finally an open spot by the docks, many seats placed there looking towards the see and several tables with exquisite and delightful snacks and drink, enough for everyone to have a very fair share of it. As in the previous rally, a ticket is handed out to each person which enables them to have one, and only one, alcoholic beverage. However there’s nearly unlimited amount of delicious syrups, honey waters, chocolate and many other drinks.

    After some time, when people has already had their share of food and drinks, a speaker takes the stand to speak to those gathered. He’s one of the city’s folk, one of the docks, who was leading one of the María sympathizer groups during the parade._

    "Hello everyone and thanks for coming! I hope the food and drinks were all of your liking, you surely deserved it after a hard days work! It’s been a long time since our concerns were heard, it’s been a long time since we got the chance to choose what we wanted for us…and NOW it’s our time, NOW we can make the change happen! Listen now two of the main pro-María groups that have a message of change for all of you.”

    The speaker cedes the stand to one citizen, who addresses the crowds.

    "My friends, I’m here to tell you why I believe in María, why I believe in her campaign, and why I believe she brings the change that we so much need. As things are now, we aren’t safe on these streets, not long ago a group of knights was seen coming out from the sewer’s entrance, those that stand –right- there! He motions towards the sewers entrance carrying the corpse of a fallen comrade. If these undead roaming the sewers are trouble for knights, what could they do to us if they came out through that –oh, so close- exit? María has noticed this, and said she will increase the guard’s presence in our district to guarantee our safety! And not only that, no… she even had a Hallow performed in our district in order ensure further our protection. She has –already- done this for us, so what else would she do if we vote her!

    As the citizen move off the stand, an older woman takes his spot

    "Hello everyone! I want to explain to you why is the best option to vote for María. As I’m sure you are aware, there’s possibility of war right behind the corner. I have a niece, Loreta, who I love will all of my soul, what I want, the reason I will be voting María, is because I want to ensure a peaceful future for her. María is actively trying to avoid a war, one that not only affects us, but also our children and grandchildren. Wars only bring pain and suffering, and it’s in our hands to avoid all of this… all we have to do is... vote for María.”

    The woman leaves the stand, and the official speaker takes the spot again

    “Well, you’ve heard them! They make a point, don’t they? Pauses You know what? Ever since I’ve known of María, I’ve known her to fight for Peltarch, for it’s people, for us. She’s always been there, she comes from a humble family and knows how to- but wait! I have a better idea, let’s have someone that knows her better explain to us. Someone you will all recognize, one of us, born and raised in these same dock’s we are at now. Jake Williams! Please welcome him with a sound applause!!

    Dressed both in red,Maria and Jake walk together to the stage, in cheerful mood.While approaching the centre of the stage, Jake talks to and motion the residents to come closer to Maria and him. Jake steps forward and while he takes a deep breath,he looks around slowly the gathered people with a confident smile,and a voice loud but gentle

    Citizens of Peltarch,residents of the docks.

    A small pause while he gazes here and there.

    In front of you stands a man who was born and raised here, in this fine city, in this district. Many of you know me since I was a kid. For those who do not, I am Jake Williams, one of you and a proud resident of this part of Peltarch. He motions around, Reason I am here today is because election for the senate is close which means a chance for better life is close too. Being part of this Jewel, as we call our city, I can’t just watch this time…I will be honest.

    I want to change this place in a better one.I can’t…

    He looks around the crowd for a moment.

    But I know a person who can,in fact she may be the only one who can really change it!

    His voice gets louder again,a reassuring smile cross his face.

    And that person is Maria, Headmistress of the Spellweaver.

    Maria with an always cheerful expression on her face,smiles and waves around the crowd.

    She asked me to represent her this day and pass on you her will.I am well aware that this district is least governed and protected,you know it and Maria knows it too. You will ask yourselves ~what makes her different from the others?~

    She is been out there since ever, fighting all sorts of evil monsters putting her life in front.She saved friends,and not only,in the battlefield many times. You have seen her walking through the docks and into the sewers more times than I can count. You want a smart leader, Maria is a genius.You want a leader with influence, Maria already is the Headmistress, a title with great value. You want safer docks, María will dispose of her own Senatorial payment in order for more guards to be hired and reinforce the watch. Also María and her allies, Defenders and the Divine Order, are trying to solve in peaceful manners the issues with the Lizardfolk.

    He close his eyes for a moment with an amused smile on his face.Then as he open his eyes slowly,he gazes at the crowd –for a thoughtful moment-

    Recently I found out that the best jokes ever, are told during the elections.I have seen posters flying around and accusing Maria that she takes advantage of other’s speaking skills and not trying herself….Well, she asked me to represent her, yet she is here right now with me. In front of you! She doesn’t hide behind posters like the real cowards.I saw those ‘’posters’’ and they always mention Maria’s ’w’….The way I see it, the way a normal confident person sees it, this is another thing that makes Maria even more special!

    His tone is cheering and changes to sarcastic.

    We have seen those who speak the usual normal way…We have seen their lineage...They always spoke fluently during elections...they always spoke themselves…. And here we are,with them worthy of their ‘seating’ title…

    Then he change his tone back to normal.

    If we deny a better future because of a single letter, then what we differ from them that desperately trying to keep the current state and their seats as well? We will be just idiots and deserve idiots in the senate! And please people! MAKE ONE POSTER FOR ME TOO!THIS TIME WITH THE ‘J’ LETTER!IT’S MY FAVOURITE!

    He speaks loud and amusedly,cheering up the crowd once more.

    Maria though really lacks something. That is nobility. And that is why she understand us better than the rest who wish for your vote! I heard many times in the past nobles support the theory that they’re usually better suited for the senate than us. Better education they say, all time classic excuse I say… So for them, they are better than us. Are they? ARE THEY!? I won’t buy it,you will not also! We all want a voice in the senate that represent us.

    He address to the people with a loud persuasive tone.

    We all had it tough in the past years. No other district was that abandoned by the city’s authorities like the docks, the welcoming part for other towns… The senate always gave least priority… I know it, you know it… So, I plead you all to vote for a better life, vote Maria. It may be this one rare opportunity we see such a worthy candidate. Let’s make the docks the shiniest of all places in the town for once!

    Maria waves at the people cheerfully and with a bright smile, she pats softly Jake’s shoulder, Jake turns to her with a confident and happy nod before addressing another time to the crowd

    And now, to dissipate any doubt about María's abilities to communicate, or any other doubt for the matter, she'll answer to your questions in person!

    ((OOC: To be continued, once I've done this IG))

  • One morning, a large group of rioters, dressed in identical clothing gathers up with placards, and does a lap of the city, calling out"


    It seems that their message, although odd, is well received in many quarters.

  • //No-one discussed anything happening at the Lucky Ferret with me. Feel free to shanghai the landlubber!

  • Sabre steps off her ship, The Raven, on one of her return visits to the city. Groaning quietly to herself at the election flyers across the city, she picks one up and persuses it idly, raising her brow at the mention of the Lucky Ferret Inn.

    "Sheesh.. now it's -everyone's- favourite? An' here I thought it was our bleedin' waterin' hole…"

    The petite captain weaves her way towards the Ferret, having a brief conversation with Claire behind the bar.

    ((OOC note: the Lucky Ferret Inn is a privately owned establishment, run by the Black Sails. Please don't use it as a political venue without the permission of Sabre or Drelan - but if you have that sorted without my knowing about it, feel free to disregard this statement! If not, let's have some RP happening 🙂 ))

  • Flyers are spred all over the Docks District announcing the points in María's run for the senate that affect the most said district:

    • The Lizarfolk situation will be handled by attempting to reach peace. All emphasis will be put into not causing any wars that would negatively impact on Peltarch's families.

    • With Rith Phoenixfeather as Advisor, Peltarch is guaranteed to always have the most powerful divine means and experience against undead, trouble yourself no more for the sewers’ exit.

    • María will combat the jail overcrowding by attempting to bring those with lesser crimes to work for the city until they've paid their jail time.

    • Trade needs to be maintained in order to thrive, but María will be against trade with any individuals and organizations that promote slavery and support openly evil organizations and temples that thrive on people's suffering.

    • There will be more security for you and your families with proposals to actively train and hire more guards to your service.

    • María's own senator salary will be completely given to the orphanage in Peltarch, where is most needed. That's right, she'll work for Peltarch and for you at no cost!

    • Games and events will be promoted also at the Lucky Ferret Inn! The favourite tavern of all of us common folk

    Still not decided? Join the great Rally in the Docks district in just two days from now, partake in the activities, eat and drink as much as you can!Have fun and enjoy a wonderful evening. Listen to Jake Williams, one of you, one that was born and raised in the docks, and hear him explain to you all why he will vote for María, and why you should vote for her too. And that’s not all! At the end of the speech, María herself will answer to all and any questions you have about her and the campaign! Choose a candidate from a humble background. She knows your problems and she will make sure that they’re tended to.

    Get buffed! Vote María.

  • Leaflets are circulated throughout the city, with a woodcut picture on the front showing a dangerous-looking Maria menacing a group of determined but wary Peltarch guards.


    A True History of Maria the Mage's Defiance of Peltarch

    Do not take these words on face value! Ask about with the guards if you doubt.

    It was several years ago, with conflict brewing at our gates, that Maria attempted to walk through Peltarch bearing her mage-staff. You need not be told that in the hands of a wizard an enchanted staff can be more deadly than a sword, and so our wise laws forbid open carry within city limits.

    Maria felt these laws did not apply to her. She was too special… too magical... too powerful to have to obey the same laws as you and I.

    The guards were summoned as she flaunted her staff, and they confronted her, asking her to put it away. She refused. They insisted. She became angry. The Cerulean Knights were alerted and made ready to subdue a powerful, mad mage if need arose.

    In the end, be it some reason getting through, or simply afraid to fight the full force of the Jewel, Maria stood down. But she did not simply put away her staff and go on with her business.

    Instead she left the city, stating that Peltarch would do without her as a defender in its time of need. And she did not return for some time.

    Now she's back and running for office.

    Arrogant - Childish - Unstable - Dangerous - We Can't Risk Maria

  • _With this to and fro from some of the most powerful elements of the election, the people are divided as to whether or not Maria would be a good candidate.

    On on hand, she has the support of Val and Rith, two of the most well known adventurers of the realm, and all three of them have done great things… as well as Maria seeming to have good ideas for the future of the city.

    On the other hand... can she be trusted? Can she hold her nerve in the face of enemies that she's not allowed to blow up? Parallels are drawn between her and the Legion, some going so far as to say that she embodies everything that the Legion stands for... blowing crap up and having fun despite the cost.

    One thing is clear, she's going to have to dispel those doubts if she wants to get in to office._

  • Several hours after the rally, posters go up, most heavily in the area the rally was held.

    The first panel shows Rith, angry, addressing a crowd.

    Rith: "It is mean and evil of these people to tell citizens not to vote for Maria or for other people! Using compelling messaging that takes advantage of good speaking skills is wrong!"

    The second panel shows her beaming, although her audience is now gaping in disbelief.

    Rith: "That's why I'm here to speak and tell you to vote for Maria, since I have excellent speaking skills and am highly compelling! Vote for her, not others!"

    The bottom of the poster reads:

    And we never did hear Maria speak at the rally.

  • Rith takes the stand wearing a two-piece dress consisting on a white, long plain skirt and a white sleeveless blouse, both ornated with goldenlike thread. She looks splendorous and radiant, long platinum blonde hair with golden locks resting on her shoulders as she appears almost as a beam of pure light and possitivity on the stage, imposing and confident as she waves her hands with a wide smile towards the crowd. When the ambient noise settles down a little, she shakes her head keeping her smile, as she attempts to substract importance from the verbose introduction

    The speaker does me too much honour. she lets out a soft laugh Let's get to what really matters, and that is, first of all, to thank you all for coming to share this day with us.

    The blonde Lathanderite flashes one more time her beautiful, dimpled smile in a charming, yet honest way towards the general audience as takes a small breath to proceed with her speech, in a sincere tone

    And before I speak of María, I wish to share with you this letter, which was sent to all senatorial candidates. Probably some of you have seen it around… I'll read some highlights. she recites the words on the flyer "Good messaging can mean the diference between a senate seat and being an also-ran. Just ask non-senator Whyte, deemed a shoe-in, whose campaign mysteriously collapsed in the final weeks. Or Senator Leaffall, who benefitted from expert messaging that made her a more… appealing candidate than she might otherwise have been." she stops reading for a moment, letting the poeple's murmurs grow I read on… "Our clients enjoy immunity from our work" she nods to herself, with a pensive gesture before continuing We also accept commisions from friends and supporters of candidates. she shakes her head in disgust here as she reads the last part "Contact our offices to arrange a rate or other deal. Remember, you're running for office because you love this city… and all is fair in love and war." she sighs softly, raising her honey eyes towards the gathered audience in concern, holding the flyer up You know what this is? Even if we ignore for a moment the fact that these people claim to have secured a senate seat for someone that has brought you into the current State of Emergency and Martial Law, endangering and starving your families. If we ignore that thanks to these people you live today in a city taken by the military and their curfew, and even that can barely keep riots and looting from happening in your own homes, next to your own children. Even if we ignore all of that - this is called thievery. The worst of all thefts, the theft of your freedom of choice and your capacity to think for yourselves through the ill manipulation of your own thoughts and beliefts with difamations and lies to you, and with veiled threats and blackmail to any senator that dare not bend to their extortion and pay up.

    When María asked me to be her spokeswoman and advisor in the run for the senate and I was brought up to date, my first condition was that I'd be allowed to scrutiny María's soul through Divine means that are available to me. To my own delight, her soul turned out to be bright and radiant with goodness. So my second condition was to make clear that I'd join her in her journey towards the senate only as means to aid the people - that she would keep always honest towards the citizens and base her campaign on plain and pure truth of her intetions - never to resort to dirty and low tricks to reach that seat. That she would tell the citizens what she has to offer to Peltarch, and let them hear what other candidates have to offer, so they could choose freely. That she would not be an imposter, and she would not fall into insulting other candidates, difamating or besmirching their reputation, because that's not how an honest person behaves. If a candidate to the senate can't be honest to her citizens even as she runs for the seat, how can you expect them to be honest once they're already sitting on a tall chair they can't be moved from?

    And María took that compromise without a doubt. She will gladly spend twice, or even ten times the resources that this malicious company demands of her in honest ways instead. It would have been easy to pay one thousand gold pieces to have the support of this filth. But then none of us would have been worth the ground on which we stand.

    Yes she will Hallow all of Peltarch if necessary protect your families from the undead. Yes she will offer food and drink to all of you to have fun in the company of your loved ones. Yes she will donate her full senatorial payment integral to the orphanage. Yes she will fight for justice and equality! There is too much at stake, this is not a game for a few people to get rich over your feelings, your future and the future of your children. This is real. We need to heal this nation, and that has no price. Our honesty and compromise with Peltarch's people is not for sale.

    María has given up on an easy life of luxury that is at her disposal, to get neck-deep in mud and fight for what is good and what is right. My own lifelong dedication has been to bring peace, joy and possitive change into people's lives, and this is precisely what I am here for today. Rith's honey eyes become unfocused as she looks at the horizon It would seem logical to think that as High Priestess of Lathander, to bring peace, joy and possitive change to people is my divine duty, but looking back after all the roads I've roamed, all the places I've seen, and all the friends I've made… and how even though I was born as noble in Suzail, I've settled down here in Narfell... I've come to notice that it has always been less about the duty, and more about this wonderful people.

    she smiles a little, looking a little touched And that is why today I present myself in front of you by María's side. Her eyes focus back on the crowd as she taps repeatedly her right hand's index finger on the lectern as if pushing a button several times as her tone goes in crescendo I firmly believe that Peltarch needs a change that we must demand, because it is your right to do so. For decades you have been forced to forget that in this city once upon a time you had voice and choice, and for decades you have been denied such right! It is the voice of the people that put the current senators in their seats, and it is the voice of the people that needs to sing loudly again at unison and demand to be heard, because you are Peltarch. Each and every one of you is Peltarch.

    her tone slows down again, now sounding as a heartfelt confession I still remember when I arrived to Narfell, how quickly I made many strong friendships, and soon called them my family. And one of my fondest memories is that of the excitement I felt in my first Peltarch elections, the privilege of being able to choose, and feeling like my vote wasn't just about the candidate, it was about our family - and all the families just like ours. It was about the chance to change for better, to choose a better life for those we loved and for those we cared for. It is YOUR choice now.

    Nowadays it seems crime and unhappy people gatherings have taken over the city, and the recent events have made clear how exposed and vulnerable can the senate make Peltarch if the senators are not prepared, and were put in there through ill arts and manipulations. This is not something that can be overlooked and swept under the rug. We can not settle for dissidia, and we can not settle for lies. We can not afford to fill the senate with redundant ideals from the same old backgrounds. We need to demand more and better. We need to thrive and evolve towards a brighter future. Here her tone picks up again, spiking quickly to rally the crowds In the upcoming elections, it's your turn to choose. And I ask you to vote for María. Vote for less passivity and more solutions to your real problems. Vote for less clubs and more hearts! Vote for less cold comfort and more change! Vote for less veils and more smiles! Vote for less letter and more spirit! Vote for for you and for your loved ones. It's time to enhance your life.

    Get buffed! Vote María.

    with her last words spoken, she leaves the stand waving her hands towards the crowd above her head

    ((Charisma 26, Persuade +29 during the whole thing))

  • _Just after mid day, the clear sound of silver trumpets and rolling kettledrums bathes the main street of the Commercial District and can be heard from many blocks away. Over a score of musicians play allegro rythms escorted by masses and multitudes of regular Peltarch citizens carrying coloured balloons and signs. Almost everyone in the massive parade has their hands busy, as most of the signs read María's slogan "Get Buffed! Vote María" while the bigger ones held by multiple individuals in a row have short significative messages such as "We want change!" or "María = Solutions, no speculations". The largest banner held by about one dozen people in front of the parade reads clearly "We deserve more. We vote María!". Bards and news criers are mixed in the crowd, very likely forewarned of this event to take note of the events.

    The parade moves up the main street loudly, followed closely by a hired private company of benign sellswords armed only with batons that are explicitely instructed to bring to the city's security forces any individuals looking to sabotage everyone's fun and follow the city staff's orders to the letter. Eventually the parade reaches an open area with numerous tables aligned and arranged with exquisite wines and snacks for everyone's delight. Everyone is invited to eat and drink as much as they possibly can, with one exception - each person is given one ticket for one alcoholic beverage, the one and only they can have. This is to avoid problems derivated from excessive alcohol consumpion, although every participant is welcome to have as many non-alcoholic drinks as they wish from the no less amazing selection of juices, syrups, honey waters and other delights.

    Once people have had some time to fill their stomaches and enjoy the music for good while, a speaker takes the stand to adress the people. He is one of the city's folk, leading one of the María sympathizer groups that have been forming since María announced her run for the senate._

    "My good fellow citizens of Peltarch. It is truly wonderful to share this festive day with all of you. It's more than that. It's a PRIVILEGE to stand here today as we bear the banners of PROGRESS. It's been… how long? Forty, fifty years since the last elections? Well I don't know you, but I wasn't BORN by then. IT'S ABOUT TIME!

    And it's about time that our people's voices and concerns are loudly spoken and heard. So now, as you enjoy the magnificient foods and drinks, we'll ceed the stand to several heads of pro-María groups. Do not go too far, a walking Legend will make room in her overly full agenda to speak directly to you in the last turn - Rith Phoenixfeather!"

    The speaker ceeds the stand to one citizen, who adresses the crowds.

    "Fellow countrymen, I stand here to ask - what do we have now? Our city almost destroyed in missfortune! Our streets infested by Undead! Our children, and the children of our neighbours crying because they do not know when is the day that their mommy and daddy will not make it back home from a simple stroll to the butchery. Our districts are swarmed in negativity, unhappy masses screaming to the senate that WE WANT TO BE HEARD! That we are Peltarch's people and we inherited Peltarch from King Tidus. We did - the sons of Peltarch and their sons did, not some greedy individuals with personal agendas, or those that have barely lived in Peltarch a few years to reap the fruits of OUR hard work, and don't have a clue of our history or our people. I'm sure they'll try to buy our votes with chicken soup and more of the same ARCHAIC MINDSETS. BUT REMEMBER! WE DID INHERIT PELTARCH! THE PELTARCHIANS!"

    As the citizen move off the stand, a younger woman takes his spot

    "Hello all! I want to share with you that I am voting María because I want to move forward. I am the mother of a two years old girl, and she is everything to me. I want security for my families, to sleep easy because we know no undead and no demon will drag us out of our beds in the night. I also want prosperity for our city - for my husband to always have an honest job and be paid enough to bring the warm plate of food to our table, and to be able to buy my child a new toy twice a year. I want to be free, and to have choice. And that's what María is offering me and my family, so I will vote for her."

    The young woman leaves the stand, as an old man takes it

    "I work at a shop and I want diversity, I want people from other lands to come here for tourism and trade their exotic goods with ours. To bring their foreign gold and leave it here, I want more festivities and events that promote our land outside our frontiers, and numerous visitors that come to us because there is nothing to worry about.

    But I also have children, and although they are older, my children have children. I want my grandchildren to have only possitive memories imprinted in their minds. Because they are the future of Peltarch, and damn if we'll allow any power usurpers to take that from them. Be it yuan-ti, orcs, or nearly unknown newcomers playing to be our friends to buy our votes."

    The old man leaves the stand to ceed the turn to one last citizen, a man in his mid thirties

    "María lives in Peltarch for longer than I live,a nd I live here since I was born. She knows our problems, she has fought for us, year after year. She will bring the change that we need, and although one voice of nine is not that much, it's a step in the right direction. One that we MUST take, because now is OUR chance. She represents the fire in our hearts, the need to get this complacent senate moving in the right direction, rather than pointlessly arguing in public like little spoiled children about their personal disputes, insulting our people in our very face.

    The young man begins to play an act with comical, childish voices - "Oh thou dost hath insulted mine honour" - "Oh but nobody pays attention to me" - "Oh, but this is demo– what is that smell?" - "Sorry! I need to change my diapers!". Enough of that BULLSHIT! We need solutions for our future, and our present. We need solutions!"

    The last citizen leaves the stand raising his fist, rallying the crowds as the official speaker takes the spot once again with a light laugh

    Well, that last one had a strong breakfast! But now, ladies and gentlement, I have to present you the voice of the Sun. The gods themselves nicknamed her the Daughter of the Light. She is the Ascendant of the Phoenix. Scythohalingfel's Slayer. Demon's perdition. Undead's Bane. Shadovar's Demise. Our wise and radiant banisher of Missfortunes and savior of Peltarch. The introductions could go on forever, so we'll cut it short. She is no other than Rith Phoenixfeather! Please one loud applause for her!

  • _Whooping and yelling, a crazy-eyed grinning woman in a 'wizard's robe' labeled MARIA goes dashing and capering through the Commerce and Dock Quarters, occasionally firing off 'magic' (confetti crackers) and yelling,




    After her, panting and flailing and holding a broken leash in one hand, runs another woman; this one with Rith's haircut and color and wearing armor in Lathander's colors.

    They circle the quarters to the cheers, laughter, disgust, and general amusement of bypassers, and then vanish._

  • Posters go up with a whimsical cartoon showing a pop-eyed, goofily-grinning Maria doing a little dance as she randomly blasts magic in all directions. Behild her, screaming people, some on fire, are fleeing from a tower that seems to be vanishing and burning and distintegrating all at once.


    "So what was the last leadership position Maria ever held anyway?"

    "Spellweaver Keep."

    "What ever happened to Spellweaver Keep anyway?"

    "Vanished in a horrible hellish glow of arcane magic gone mad, hasn't been seen since."


  • _A set of posters go up in the Residential Quarter only.

    They have a whimsical cartoon of an insanely grinning, somewhat pop-eyed Maria, blasting a magical emission into the air with one hand, while a seated king and his nobles stare at her in appalled embarrassment. There is text beneath it…_


    "Hewwo, Miwister King of Damwara, I am Sewenator Maria of Peweltarch! Howw are ywou? I repwisent the cwity, Sewenate, and leading citizwens of Peweltarch."

  • Posters go up overnight in the city:


    **For a urgent message runner: Hire a man with no legs.

    For a watchtower sentry: Hire a blind man.

    For a swordfighter: Hire a man with no hands.

    For a vitally important position revolving around public oratory and debate: Hire a woman with a lisp so massive she can't even deliver her own candidacy speech.


  • Flyers are spred all over the Commercial and Residential district announcing the points in María's run for the senate. It cites the key aspects of María's campaign:

    • The Lizarfolk situation will be handled by attempting to reach peace. All emphasis will be put into not causing any wars that would negatively impact on Peltarch's families.

    • The Spellweaver will collaborate with Peltarch - the best mages of the land will keep the city safe from any magical disturbances!

    • With Rith Phoenixfeather as Advisor, Peltarch is guaranteed to always have the most powerful divine means and experience against undead, demons and planar disturbances that may affect Peltarch.

    • María will combat the jail overcrowding by attempting to bring those with lesser crimes to work for the city until they've paid their jail time.

    • Trade needs to be maintained in order to thrive, but María will be against trade with any individuals and organizations that promote slavery and support openly evil organizations and temples that thrive on people's suffering.

    • There will be more security for you and your families with proposals to actively train and hire more guards to your service.

    • María's own senator salary will be completely given to the orphanage in Peltarch, where is most needed. That's right, she'll work for Peltarch and for you at no cost!

    • Games and events will be promoted and held regularly for everyone to join. Not just jousting and dueling - everyone will get a shot at fun activities with emphasis put into drawing people from other lands to enhance our own commerce and diversity.

    _Still not decided? Join the great Rally in the Commercial district in just two days from now, partake in the activities, eat and drink yourself out for fun and enjoyment in a colourful explossion of joy and entertainment as María herself will personally adress any questions you have. And that's not all! Rith Phoenixfeather herself will be present and will adress the good people of Peltarch to explain why she believes in María, and why you should vote for her.

    Get buffed! Vote María._

  • _*The last few days Rith Phoenixfeather has been seen spending long periods of time in each district, one day per district, in the company of incenses, oils, herbs and other ingredients and spell components that she spreads over a designated area. These areas have been carefully chosen: the commons in the Commercial District, the area directly outside the Lighthouse Temple in the Docks District - the statue to Istishia being its center - and the Tourney Grounds in the Residential District. After she is done which each district, citizens report that these areas are magically lighted with holy light, one that does not disturb the eye, but does soothe and warm the heart, especially while inside it. Each holy area is about forty feet radius.

    While Rith is concentrated most of the time into enacting these holy wards, she does take small breaks in which she can be asked by anyone what is she exactly doing, to which she answers kindly, wearing a tired smile through her mental exhaustion.*_

    This is a Hallow prayer. It covers a very wide area, so I have to perform this ritual and make sure the whole area is well prepared to receive its divine protection. For an area this wide… it'll take me a whole day and night. But once it's done, it can last forever!

    This area will repel undead naturally and make them think twice before passing, and no body can be raised as undead while within this area. Those that do decide to step in can be much more easily fought off and destroyed. The Hallow also works as a permanent Circle of Protection versus Evil, and I'm also adding a permament prayer of Blessing and another of Light to it, so these zones can be easily spotted and serve as beacon for civilians, and as rally point for warriors.

    The candidate to the senate María is aware that undead are a great worry of Peltarch's people currently, and she asked me to create one of these per district so people can find relatively safe shelter incase of a new outbreak, like the one a few tendays ago. She's been so generous as to pay from her own pockets the several thousands of gold pieces that it costs only in materials to enact such heavy wards in every district. Every little bit helps to keep Peltarchian families safe.

    Rith then offers another smile before getting back to work. If asked, she shows the permits required to cast such spells in the city, bearing official Peltarch stamp