Moigan Galar's Campaign

  • The fourth to speak, Moigan Galar walks the five steps up to the podium, a breeze slowly blows his cloak. Once he arrives, he unfolds a few sheets of paper, flattens them, gives a brief smile to a gold dwarf those from the college know as Marick and begins in a friendly but professional tone.

    Lads, lassies, friends, visitors and citizens of this fine city of Peltarch, my name is Moigan of the clan Galar. I am extremely honoured be nominated for the senate on a list of extraordinary candidates. Though I have only been a citizen for two exhilarating years, I feel becoming a senator will be the best use of my talents to give back what this great city has given to me.

    He glances down at his notes before continuing.

    What could make this great city better? It is a tough question with the best in the arts, merchants and food in all of Narfell. Although how fascinating and eventful this city can be, I believe we can still strive to be better. We can…..

    Just then a stiff wind blows his papers, swirling them off the stage. After a failed attempt to grab them, he straightens himself out, takes a deep breath, clears his throat and continues from memory.

    We can still strive to be better, we can….oi lads n lassies what do yas wanting? You don’t want zombies attacking the inn, good schools for yer kids and good coin for yer goods. You want the kobalds to stay in the swamps and orcs in the forest. You want a senator that listens to you and spends their efforts working toward the greater good of Peltarch, nah if an old man can carry a walking stick.

    I can promise you dis, I will have the best interest of all Peltarch in mind when I make my decisions and making sure your voice is heard. My name is Moigan Galar and I be asking for your vote in this election!

    Long live the jewel!

    Moigan ends with his fist raises, then slowly lowers it and bows respectfully. He walks off with a confident expression on his face seeming quiet pleased with himself based on what happened.

  • Moigan doesn't take to the stage, and his followers are left wondering what exactly he's been up to.

  • With no response yet from Moigan and his team, the people of Peltarch are asking themselves why he's run for the Senate if he's not willing to face his critics. Very few if any currently are willing to say that they're for his election.

  • New posters go up, showing a cartoon of leering, black-cloaked dwarves gathered in a thieves den. Their leader, brandishing a knife, is saying "TEAR DOWN THOSE PELTARCH VETERANS, BOYS!" The second part of the cartoon shows a blackcloaked dwarf with a knife running through the nighttime streets.


    There they go… that figure of fear is a Galar Clansman, out to silence all who speak against the Galar regime. His goal: to keep YOU from seeing things that might make you stop and think about Moigan Galar... might make you reflect on his carpetbagger recent arrival to Peltarch... his lack of wisdom... his friends... who he takes his orders from.

    In the mind of the clansman, you must not see these posters at any cost. Because then, you might be led to the truth.

    **Today candidate Moigan Galar silences Peltarchians by removing posters. Tomorrow, will Senator Moigan Galar silence Peltarchians by removing PEOPLE?

    NO to Foreign Rule – NO to Clan Rule -- NO to Moigan Galar**

    (Paid for by Peltarch Veterans For Galar Truth)

  • Posters go up in the Commerce and Dock quarters:


    Things that have been Peltarchian longer than Moigan:

    *** Three Year Old Bables.

    • Reasonably priced bottles of wine.
    • The chess game at the corner table in the Pissing Goat.
    • Most people's shoes.
    • Most dogs and cats.
    • Many insects.**

    Examples of his skill at Senatecraft:

    *** In his maiden speech stated that Peltarchians do not want good coin for their goods.

    • Will listen to everyone, including the stupid and corrupt.
    • Belongs to a foreign clan which of course will not give him instructions on what to do or how to vote.**

    Moigan - Untested. Foreign. Not For You.

    (Paid for by Peltarch Veterans For Galar Truth)