Dwin Dolvak's Campaign

  • Second onto the stage are a pair of dwarves, both of them dressed in neat and tidy but not ostentatious clothing, the younger deferring to the elder. The younger one steps forward, and speaks, his voice carrying well across the crowd in dulcent tones unlike that which one would normally hear from a dwarf.

    People of Peltarch! Friends! I have the honor today of speaking to you about a great man, a man who has been a quiet leader here in the Jewel since many of your grand-sires walked these streets.

    I speak of Dwin Dolvak, Advisor to Senator Heffa. Many of you may know him as a simple business-man. Most Peltarch homes have a Dolvak rat trap in their cellars or attics. Dwin and his family settled their business here in Peltarch some 75 years ago and have been a staple of the community ever-since.

    Mr. Dolvak Dwin raises his hand and waves regrets that he cannot personally speak today, as a virus has taken his voice and ability to speak to such a fine crowd.

    Mr. Dolvak is a businessman, but at heart he is much more than that. He learned smithing skills from his own father and its likely that many of you in the audience today have a helm or a blade that was forged by his own calloused hands.

    He’s a common man that has succeeded and been able to give back to those that are in a place he knows well.

    He’s also a philanthropist… he personally helped squash some of the slave-trade in the underbelly of Oscura--then set up homes and careers for those slaves he saved from a miserable life of shackles.

    Let's be clear... one thing he is NOT,ladies and gentlemen is a "politician." that's a good thing... we need more action and less jib-jab in our senate.

    He has been ever-vigilant in his donations to our orphans, spending his time and coin to make sure Peltarch’s children receive the care they deserve.

    Now, many of you are probably scratching your heads. “That’s not the Dwin we know,” you might say. Or perhaps, “I heard that he is a criminal!”

    Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jewel, Mr. Dolvak is by his own words “no saint.” You will not find him spending an afternoon wrapped in a towel at the bathhouse with Senator Mariston or any of his palladin friends. pause for laughter

    Has he broken the law? Yes. He even spent a ten-day in our jail! Why? Well, when a roguish fiend dishonored both Dwin and a lady in the center of town, Mr. Dolvak stood up for his own character as well as that of the lady. The fiend lost a few teeth, and Dwin a few nights in the jail. I should add that Magistrate Zyphlin released him once he heard the story. Well, ladies and gentlemen... I know that I want someone in the Senate that will stand up for my rights and those rights of all of you!

    As the leader of Norwick, Chancellor Dolvak was put in a difficult position after the sack of Jiyyd. Most of Jiyyd’s refugees fled to his walls where his own people were starving, having been cut off from support by the treacherous N’Jast forces.

    It was his leadership ability that saved all of those people. he was pressured by people... by some Senators still sitting in the chambers, in fact... to attack the evil N’jast forces that lay outside his walls. Such a move would have put his own flock, AS WELL of those from Jiyyd at great risk. Children. Mothers. Gray beards. He did what he had to to stay neutral, while working quietly with the leaders of the Legion to undermine all of N’jasts efforts and ultimately assist in the defeat of the Eastern Swine.

    Again, ladies and gentlemen... I want a leader that will keep their calm and make the best decisions... though they may be unpopular... Being a leader is not easy, but Mr. Dolvak has shown his ability to persevere through the many years of leading The Union, the Norwick Militia and even the Realm itself.

    Vote with your hearts in this election! Vote for the candidate that you know can lead without being a career-politician! Vote for Dwin Dolvak!

  • Dwin rushes up to the stage just before people begin voting

    People of Peltarch, we've been through some rather difficult ten-days with the flood and the attacks. You've shown great strength as you always do in tough times. Use that same strength and make sure to vote in the election. It's a VERY important decision this year and will decide the fate for years to come.

    It's been my honor to serve as an adviser, and I hope to serve you as a senator if you'll cast your vote for me. Long Live Peltarch!

  • _Ever hopeful and opportunistic, campaign workers are seen handing out vials of holy water labeled 'HURL AT UNDEAD, THEN VOTE DOLVAK FOR SENATE.'

    Also available are wooden stakes with 'DWIN DOLVAK - SENATE' written on then, and a keg of garlic-flavored ale. Just in case of vampires._

  • _Possibly sensing a trend, bailing buckets and sandbags with 'DOLVAK FOR SENATE' on them are handed out to the crowds.

    Whether or not people support Dwin, interest in these campaign items is currently high and soon all stocks are exhausted._

  • _Late in the afternoon some dwarves bring a cart of some deep dark earth into the Docks area. A second group dumps several kegs of water on the dirt, creating a large muddy area.

    A table is set up next to the pit, with a sign that says "MUD WRESTLING." Senatorial Candidate Dwin Dolvak stands on the table and blows a small horn._

    Friends! Where I'm from, mud-wrestlin' is a favorite pass-time. he raises a small bucket Let's raise some money for the kids, shall we? For just 2 coins, you can enter the wrestlin' match. At the end, the winner will get this shiny helm, that I crafted myself! _He holds up a shiny engraved helmet.

    A few dwarves open a keg of ale and offers it to anyone in the area that wants it. (Anyone that samples it would say its probably watered-down.)_

    Who's in?

    _At first, many of the people seem uninterested in taking part, shouting and cursing at Dwin, Greywing's speech having had a great effect. Some though, probably after drinking a little too much, are willing to have a go, and an impromptu tourney starts up.

    As the day goes on though, rain starts to fall.

    Lots of rain.

    Inordinate amounts of rain, even for Narfell, one of the rainiest places in Faerun.

    This rain seems to make the mud wrestling impossible after a while, but that's the least of everyone's concerns…_

    ((Continued in the State of Emergency thread))

  • As the election campaign continues and the day draws near, Miranda Greywing takes to the Rant Stand, looking outraged.

    Good people of Peltarch, I have ever served you, and I will continue to serve you faithfully regardless of what happens in the coming weeks. But, there is an evil here that I cannot abide any longer, and you MUST know of it before you vote.

    Dwin Dolvak was once Chancellor of Norwick… a position he took by force from the previous Chancellor! From this high position, he took every opportunity to thumb his nose at Peltarch and at the ideals we hold dear.

    Rando, a blackguard of the darkest sort was wanted by Peltarch for many and varied crimes, including the MURDER of a SENATOR, and he fled to Norwick. Dwin REFUSED to hand him over to face justice, and from there, Rando moved on to Oscura to perpetrate more evil against our people.

    Whenever Dwin met with Peltarch officials to negotiate for the future, he was rude and indignant, refusing to give an inch where we would give a mile. Yes, during the N'jast war he took in refugees, but so did we, and where was he when the rebuilding process was ongoing? He HID IN HIS HOLE and pretended that Peltarch did not suffer destruction and death.

    At the end of his reign in Norwick, do you know why Dwin quit as Chancellor? One of his scouts spoke against him, and in punishment, he cut his hand off. The people of Norwick were ready to throw him out of office, and so he quit to save some face.

    A vote for Dwin, is a vote for Tyranny and Oppression. He may listen to you now, but will he when he has a seat of power, from which to look down on others?

    Choose wisely this election, for otherwise, you may not get another.

    With that said, she leaves the stage. The people become agitated and angry, and any good will that Dwin had earnt, seems to evaporate like the morning dew.

  • _Warhammers with 'DWIN FOR SENATE' on the head, made of soft wood and cork, are handed out from the back of carts. The 'weapons' quickly become a favorite means of play for the local urchins, teamsters, and bravos.

    There is a brief pause in the handout when a guard with more initiative than sense considers confiscating them all under Peltarch's weapons law. The hooting, jeering, and general ridicule, however, has him reverse this notion, redfaced and rather flustered.

    With the city already on edge, nobody wants to start a riot over campaign toys._

  • _The same day as the new posters go up, anyone who goes into a common man's tavern would find a bard there, entertaining the people. Most of their songs are about Peltarch's victory over N'jast, and the heroes involved in it.

    Some of them, though, mention Peltarch's "Friend in the Realm" and "The Smith who protected the Farmers"… another is a witty ballad about how Sam's Hill was turned into Sam's Hole, launching a batallion of N'jast soldiers up to the moon. Their last song is about fighting to the bitter end, and how in the war a portal was opened between Peltarch and Norwick to move people and supplies back and forth.

    Some of the folks in the taverns talk about these songs and the memories they stir, remembering those they fought beside, and those no longer with them.

    Eventually though at some point, Dwin himself makes an appearance and seems shocked that the bards are singing tales that mention him, and proceeds to buy everyone in the bar a round of drinks to remember the fallen._

  • Posters go up:


    If you lived in Norwick… or Jiyyd...

    Imagine yourself caught between two fires. With an outmanned militia of 100 farmers as your only protection, and a bugbear army to the south, and the host of N'Jast to the north. No way to run… nowhere to flee.

    Imagine your loving spouse and your dear children there with you. Can you picture your concern... your fear for their safety?

    In such a situation, would you want your leader to make a suicidal attack with his 100 farmers against a professional army larger than Peltarch's?

    Or would you want him to protect your family, to watch and wait for the right time, to act intelligently instead of in a way that earned glory… and a civilian massacre?

    Many in Peltarch feel Dwin Dolvak let them down by not throwing Norwick's forces at N'Jast after Jiyyd. The price for that would have been the slaughter of Norwick, without any real gain for Peltarch. No responsible leader of Norwick would have done this. If Dwin had, he would be unfit for high office.

    As Senator, Dwin would make the same call again. He wouldn't sacrifice you and your family for glory or honor. If you want someone who would, there are other candidates, and the gods help Peltarch.

  • On a rainy day where the city seems subdued, a decent proportion of the off-duty guards and defenders can be found in the city's inns and taverns, enjoying a well earned break. The topic of course, eventually turns towards the elections, and the opinions of the city workers is clear for all to hear.

    "Can't trust that Dwin, he abandoned us during the war"

    "Cuts peoples hands off for disagreeing with him!"

    "I heard he's a spy for the Hold, why are they so interested in us now?"

    _The words of those who defend the city from harm certainly carry weight; those who leave their company after a few drinks spread it throughout the rest of the city.

    The next day the mood is decidedly anti-Dwin, despite the best efforts of Carlos & Daughters._

  • Posters go up in the Dock Quarter:


    "I dunno about that Dwin Dolvak, he sounds sort of tough."

    "You bet! My aunt was being harrassed by a punk, and Dwin didn't make no pretty speeches about it… he came running up and gave the guy a good kick in the ass and sent him packing."

    "Huh... maybe we could use a guy like that in our corner."

    Want a Senator Who's Less Talk, More Act? Vote for DWIN DOLVAK - A Vote For Prosperity

  • Posters go up across the Dock and Commerce Quarters:


    "The Dwin Dolvak I know…"

    "…helped steer trade to Peltarch and kept her ties with Norwick industry strong.

    "Calls it like he sees it... doesn't hide behind mincing words... gets to the point.

    "Is a small businessman and understands the issues small business in Pelt faces.

    "Helped Senator Heffa get his start in politics, a choice that has served the Jewel well.

    "Is deeply interested in the prosperity of his people, and believes that the more money people have to spend, the better off everyone is.

    "Prefers to ACT instead of TALK.

    "Will keep his people safe before anything else... even if his personal reputation suffers for it or bards sneer at him."

    Dwin's been successful. He believes YOU deserve the chance to be just as successful. Vote DWIN DOLVAK for Senate – A Vote For Prosperity

  • _Before the sun or the people of the docks rise, an army rolls into town. This army, however, is armed with tentpoles, canvases, tables, benches, and carts laden with all sorts of goods. The carts are notably driven by dwarves and pulled by Rothe.

    Some carts are piled high with ale-kegs. Others are stacked with cheese-wheels and bread. Still others are covered; their contents remaining a mystery.

    Two dwarves appear to be in control of the situation, directing (in hushed tones) the assembly of a large tent and the arrangement of all of the supplies.

    By sunrise, and the arrival of the dock's first employees, the tent is up,and a large banner hangs over it.

    It reads, quite simply, "ALL ARE WELCOME" on one side, and "PELTARCH THANKS YOU" on the other.

    Once a sizable crowd forms, one of the dwarves steps up onto a table and speaks._

    "Welcome, all of Peltarch! Smiths and Dockworkers! Shopkeeps and Guards! This day is for all of YOU. We know this city can't run on just the musings of the rich, or those that sit in lofty towers. Today is about recognizing everyone else that keeps the docks running, the stores selling, and the lands guarded! We all thank you!

    "Please come take part in this celebration as you will. Bring your children for a free toy or some time to play. He gestures to a smaller tent where some musicians are starting to set up Have an ale… or three!

    "Importantly, please stop by the main tent today to purchase a raffle-ticket. For just one coin, you get 5 chances to win! One lucky winner will take home half the pot! The other half will be donated to the Docks Orphanage… a cause we feel very strongly about! Lets raise some coin for the children!
    Dwin pulls Moigan up onto a neighboring table
    "Remember, come election day, that Dwin and Moigan know what it is to have calloused hands, and we know whose hard work really makes this city work. I've been sitting in that senate, ladies and gentlemen… as an adviser to one of the most respected senators this city has ever known. There aren't many like him. Most have never had a callous or a blister! I know how the senate operates, and I can tell you--its NOT in your favor, folks. Elect me, and I'll make sure you are heard.

    A vote for Dwin or Moigan is a vote for yourselves---and for ONCE we'll have YOUR voices heard on the Senate floor, instead of just those of the rich and slothful!"

  • ((thanks for your patience… back to normal now, which is more than I can say for many people. ))

  • //Due to Hurricane Sandy, Dwin has been unable to get on to the forums. He'll post here ASAP.