Senma Tethae'lr's Campaign

  • An Elven woman, small in all apparent aspects except her presence and her ankle-length white hair, takes her place at the Rant Stand. A repeat visitor to the Stand, now, and possibly a familiar face to some - or many, though not likely the youngest generations - by virtue of her previous activity, the Elven woman looks out to any onlookers and announces proudly, with a voice much larger than ten of her bodies and still a little more eloquent than one or two,

    "My fellow Peltarchans, Human, Half-orc, Dwarf, Elf, Right-sized and Plus-sized, man, woman, and all of us united by our prestigious citizenship, I, Senma Tethae'lr, come to you as a candidate for the Senate!"

    Her tone drops, though not her volume, and she continues, "But I come to you with more than just a speech to convince you to vote for me."

    Senma grabs her chest sincerely with a torn expression on her face, "I come to you with a plea. For I see in this very special election a very special opportunity for every one of us. I see an opportunity to grab hold of the reins of our city - I see an opportunity for us to grab hold of the reins of our destiny!"

    She escalates her tone, straightening her back and furrowing her brow with a certain severe enthusiasm.

    "With three Senate seats open, there should be clambering for such ripe opportunities - we should see a dozen prominent candidates, and from all walks of life. Yet there are seven! How will you make your will known and executed if you do not act yourself!'
    If we are to make our government - and by extension, our lives - work, then we must act to make it so."

    Her voice, while ever audible, becomes soft for a moment.

    "We all understand if you cannot afford to invest all of your time and resources into becoming a candidate yourself. Each of us must sustain ourselves, after all.'
    "But we are a collective! None of us - none of us, not even the richest, most powerful of us, with all the influence in the world - make it through on our own. If we cannot execute our will in our own government as individuals, then as partners, as families, as neighbourhoods, as districts! If you cannot spare all of your time and resources, then spare some; invest it in yourself by investing in your fellows, for they will represent you in the Senate far better than would someone who is unfamiliar with and uninterested in your problems and your views."

    Having returned to her normal speech-making voice, Senma smiles and becomes evidently calm, continuing, "Whomever you vote for, know that I am interested in guiding this city as the collective wishes it. I wish to be an honest representative of the people of Peltarch - not of my personal interests. I wish to keep the Senate honest and ensure that Peltarch's will is done, not the warring wills of each individual Senator. So I plead of you all; be as active, engaged, invested, and aware a participant of this election as you can be, because your action and inaction will direct the course of your lives for years to come."

  • As the listeners disperse, Senma is nowhere to be seen.

  • After a well received speech, Senma seems to have vanished into thin air. Many comment on this, asking why one would put herself forward and then disappear, whilst others suspect foul play against someone who is known in certain circles to speak out against the status quo.