A summons of expedition

    • A call goes out for all those traveling with the Priest Jason Selious *

    We march for Daggerford soon, we go to stop those damned Zhents that believe its okay to harm innocent women and children. They will soon find Ilmater's wrath and those of the light are not something so casually tossed aside.

    (( This event is to happen on October 20th at 7am EST ))

  • 10pm by Aus EDT.

    If you check the Narfell Staff gmail calendar, a link to which is in the Help Wanted forums, you can check the timing of the event compared to where you are.

  • ((I will do my best to be there with Bon, but unfortunately I can't make any promises. I can't really choose my log in times.

    I think that's 10pm my time? EST - that's Eastern North America you're talking about right? There are about 5 ESTs in the world.

  • //Just a reminder from your local DM, this event happens on Saturday. The exact timing of it is listed on the Narfell Staff gmail calendar, so I can't mess up timezone differences.

  • Elva will try to be there.

    • a letter is cordially written back to Thorak on a fine sheet of paper void of stains and marks *

    Dear Thorak,

    While I appreciate your interest in the continued venture to deal with the Zhents, due to the issues that were presented last time you accompanied us in the rescue of Marie I personally do not feel comfortable bringing you along with us. You have presented a concerning lack of concern for the safety and well being for our group while traveling in such a dangerous and rough terrain. If you wish to further discuss this letter please seek me out and I will be glad to speak with you in this regard. Thank you again for your application.

    Sincerely: Brother Jason Selious.

  • Thorak writes a letter that he's available, the letter has what looks like an ale stain on one corner, that "someone" has tried to clean without much success…

  • Legion

    Vhin will be there.

  • Romulus will be there. I think it's 7AM for me, if it's supposed to be the same start as last time.
    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Eragor signs up.

    • Jason receives the letter and starts his list *

    1. Varia
    2. Eragor
    3. Andrew
    4. Romulus
    5. Vhin
    6. Reserved for Bon
    7. Vhin
    8. Reserved for Elva

  • ICC

    sends a letter stating that she will be there then goes back to her research and medical work on Arthur