2012 - Peltarch Elections

  • The current Senate Of Peltarch

    Senator Enenan Snydders
    Affiliation: The Seafarers
    Advisor: None

    Senator Martouscha Leaffall
    Affiliations: Troff Royal Legion, Druidic Circle
    Advisor: None

    Senator Ryan Fisher
    Affiliations: Peltarch's Civil Service, Peltarch's upper Class
    Advisor: None

    Senator Heffa
    Affiliations: The Stonemasons
    Advisor: Dwin Dolvak






  • Campaigning details:

    ((OOC: I'm using the same numbers as Cao did last election, they seemed to work well. Any questions, please PM me.))

    _Those who wish to run for the Senate must normally be eloquent of speech and well respected. In addition, they must have funding to back up their idealism, as there's no such thing as a free meal.

    Below are the main methods of engaging with the populace during an election campaign, their comparative effectiveness, and their cost. If you are unsure, please contact the Herald._


    Speaking Engagement/Letter Writing - 200 gold per letter (addresses a particular group)
    -Message conveyed to particular group, with an average of 25% of the group receiving it in some form.

    Engagement (gala or party; invitation only event aimed at a specific group) is 5,000 gold
    -Affects a specific group, obviously; may conversely affect competing groups. 75% of the group is like to receive the campaign message via this method.

    Written Fliers/Signs/Banners - 100 gold (per block/street canvassed)
    -Effectiveness will vary depending on district and typical literacy level of residents, as well as amount spent.
    (Total District Costs; 1500 for Civic, 3000 for Commerce and 5500 for Docks)

    Criers and Bards - 200 gold (per crier), 400 gold (per bard)
    -Criers are often used in Peltarch to relay messages to the populace, so they are used to hearing them, criers with bardic training can also be hired to give the message more flash to it (though remember certain groups may prefer criers to bards or vice-versa).
    (Total district costs- 2000 for Civic, 3000 for Commerce and 4000 for docks, double these for Bardic training, but you can also feel free to mix and match and even specify which type of crier goes to what parts of the city, just PM me).

    Rally (in a particular district) - 10,000 gold
    -Affects on a district wide basis.

    General Speech - 500gp
    -The money ensures a crowd gathers, but not that it will be a big enough affair to be talked about much across the district (like a rally is). effectiveness is therefore small enough, but at least it breaks the literacy barrier. 3-6% of a district may receive the message to varying degrees this way.

    For other campaign activities candidates may PM me and I will inform them of costs. The above methods are related to getting your campaign messages HEARD, whether they are well received or not depends on what the NPCs concerned actually think of it once they've heard it.