A night of horror

  • *Dark clouds rose around Peltarch cutting out all light out

    The night started with the south gate being smashed down by a flood of zombies.

    Hundreds of zombies then started to flood into the city. Attacking its defenders from all sides.

    The inn seemed to be the focus of the attack, they smashed in through all the windows, the purpose unknown.

    A figure is rumoured to have stood ontop of the Theatre directing the attack, yet this has not been confirmed..

    The salvage and reconstruction has already begun and is being worked on around the clock.*

  • Legion

    Marty now has her sleves up and is dragging zombie corpses out of the city to form a pire

  • Arriving already after the incidents, María is seen entering the commons with a frown on her face, after a brief talk with those that were present and Lady Ashena, she's seen leaving towards the inn, and then, a few hours later, walking up in the commons offering spells to help with the rebuilding and such

  • After willingly aiding the brave defender and warriors with charms, the red cloaked and golden lock mageling gets to understand to let those in charge, take charge. She quietly withdraws to the shadows under a tree in the commons… observing.

  • Accompanying Ashena, Sir Allestor Hollins - who some may still know better as the Slayer of Fendon - offers his hands and the blessings of Ilmater to wounded and workers alike as the damage is repaired. Touring the battlements a short time later to bolster morale among the guards with assuaging words, delivered with the confidence of unwavering faith.

  • The Bardess and Knight Val Kyrie uses her presence and voice to calm as many of the citizens as she can, treating those whose wounds she is able to with herbs and poultices, directing those in need of better care towards the priests of the temple. She takes a special care towards families and children, sparing time for a smile and a kind word, to lighten the mood.

  • _Lady Ashena Teroldys, presumably alongside other knights of the Order of the Divine Shield, can be seen out and about on the city streets, offering aid and support in the name of the Triad.

    Rumour may also spread of the culprit behind it all, as one dwarf swears he saw the gaunt figure of the lich Baron Locke on the rooftop of the Theatre._

  • Legion

    Senator Marty returns to Peltarch on ponyback after a short excursion south.

    What tha… Zombies!? Frigg'n ... I'm gone for five seconds and the place turns t... Sweet baby Illmater that smell is going to take weeks to get rid of.

    to the closest random Defender/Guard

    Whatever resources you need to help find the goon who organised this filthy attack make a note of them and leave it on my desk.

    Zombies … of all the ...

    she hurridly packs a long clay pipe as she mutters obsenities under her breath in hin