Excursion #4

  • Another note pinned

    Excursion undergroundI
    I seek brave hearts, men or women, to make trip down the kua toa trail through the Ettin passage and further. I will ask the druid Lector to be our guide as he has experience and ventured that way before. I cannot offer any rewards only a promise of good company. Please sign your name at the bottom of this page if you like to tag along!
    Mystic River

    ((This is a player initiative. It will be a dangerous tour. Please join if you can. Time Sunday 22.00 GMT +1. ))

  • ((oops as I screwed up the other Celia and entourage plot time and went to Netherlands , I belive the other plot time will be on the 13th of October 22.00 PM +2 **BUT

    …Mystic's excursion to a dark and dangerous place will, however, take place Sunday 14th at 22.00 PM GMT +2, interested? sign your names))**

  • ((EXCURSION # 4 postpone for the benefit of another plot :D))

  • Legion

    vic will hesitantly but gladly join. 😉