Diary and notes of Jason Selious's trip!
Dear Journal,
It has been weeks already since I set out from my group to find Marie, many villages along the way and many people always in need of help. I have delivered two babies from different mothers since leaving and the air has gotten much colder. Writing this and the letter for Andrew should help keep me warm a bit more then the fire. I bless Ilmater for this cloak as likely it is helping keep me alive.
The map Captain Dash gave me has given me great progress and I hope to be to Marie in the next few weeks. I didn't originally want to leave but every day wasted is another day Marie's life is in danger. I miss my son and pray he is well and that the others are keeping him safe.
Ilmater watch over me as I rest and help me make it to Marie safely…
- looking over the letter he smiles warmed by the words as he sits in his meager shelter and begins to pen out a response *
Dear Andrew,
It warms my heart and soul to no end to hear from you. I am happy Ramus has attached to you so strongly. I pray everything is safe and secure up there and for note I will likely be turning back soon after I check this mountain….There are signs they are up this way but a direct confrontation is not something I desire at this time alone. Blissfully the trip back will be faster then the trip up, one of the villages has a young mage that can teleport me most of the way back. Blessed be Ilmater for that one. Give Ramus my love for me and take care of the other two. I hope to see you really soon.
Brother Jason Selious
The days become colder though I can hardly tell one day to another which is actually colder, the temperature continues to drop and I can find no guides from this point. Thus I stick to my map and pray it guides me well. I received word from Andrew which warms my heart and soul without a doubt to know him and the others and especially my son are doing well in my absence. I have found and heard hint traces of where to go and thus I continue further north and towards the mountains where I can only pray I will still find Marie alive and well. I fear this journey is going to ware me thin before I return though I may have to do so soon and get the others to come back with me. For now at least I have found minor villages for supplies and brief pointers as to where I need to be.
a few says days later, a courier delivers a letter to Jason,with the symbol of a rising sun on it.
Dear Jason,
i'm glad you managed to write this letter to me,and that you are well and doing well.
We are all fine,here. I,Varia and Arthur are visiting the Orphanage more and more often,these days. Ramus is beginning to call me Uncle Andrew,even…
I won't hide that i'm really not used to all this,as i'm not talkative and extrovert enough,i fear. But the children don't seem to mind. I'm enjoying it more than i expected....and so do the kids.
I wish you the best of luck in your quest. Once you find out where Marie is kept,i will not hesitate a moment to help you setting her free,you know.
Until then,be safe.Andrew
- A letter written by a shivering hand is sent to Andrew and delivered by a young courier *
Dear Andrew.
It has already been weeks since I left and I pray all is well, I am making good time and ground and the trek is extremely long. The air here is far colder then Narfell but coming from Neverwinter I am sure I will manage. I trust all is well with you? How is Ramus doing? I pray he is safe. The courier knows where to send the response should you write back, I don't place it with concern that if the Zhent's are watching they may try to intercept and find out what I know. Ilmater keep you safe and please…watch over my son. I hope to be home soon.
Signed: Jason Selious