The Temple Notice Board...

  • …has a new note pinned to it, set at a precise and perfectly level angle. The handwriting is just as neat, reading as follows:

    "Ye Holy Muffin Making Quest

    Art thou of good heart, sound body and bold disposition? Be thine sweet toothe as large as thine adventure luste? Then the Order of the Divine Shield needeth THOU for a quest of divine and delicious intent!

    The world doth brighten when sweet and positive energies art spread, whilst evil hisses and scurries deeper within it's dark hole to brood - this very notion is the driving force of yon Holy Muffins, a recipe most mysterious, written down by a pious baker, their name now lost in the mist of time.

    Verily, what maketh the Holy Muffin go from simply good to outright divine? Only through collecting all the ingredients shall one find out for sure - and in doing so, find adventure and good spirits in the company of friends!

    Sign up with Lady Ashena Teroldys today!"

    ((tentatively set to Saturday 29th at 4 PM Central European Time (GMT +1) - this is a light hearted player run quest, designed to take characters out of the beaten path and into adventure, whether a DM shows up or not!))

  • "Ye Holy Muffin Quest, part III:

    Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the Muffin Quest Shalt Continue! Those of Sweet Tooth and Disposition, gather at the Temple of the Triad where the search shalt set off to paths less travelled by!"

    ((Saturday 13th, euro afternoon at 4 PM CET. Destination: The Scar or yon snowcapped mountain areas of mystery mystery!))

  • "Ye Holy Muffin Quest, part II:

    Gather ye at the Temple of the Triad to boldly go where some may have gone before - but ne'er on a quest of so sweet a kind! Lurid fruits of the swamplands or mushrooms of the deepest forests - the destination shall be chosen jointly whence the good party departs!"

    ((same time as before, Saturday at 4 PM CET. Likely destination: either deep swamps (trolls) or the Scar and flapping, screeching wyverns!))

  • ((bumpety-bump! Anyone interested in joining the holy muffin crusade, gather at the temple of the Triad tomorrow, Saturday, at the aforementioned time. Likely destination: Mintas Forest))