Severed Head

  • María is seen entering Peltarch with a Severed Head, and brings it to the guard to see if they can identify it somehow.
    If that doesn't result, she'd go around asking if anyone knows of someone that went to the gnoll woods and hasn't returned yet, and if they give a positive answer, she shows them the head for identification.

    ((This head was found in the chest of the Gynarch's cave. For DM reference

  • After doing his best to draw a detailed sketch of what the head would have looked like before it decayed, the Herald then takes it into custody and has it sent to the mortician for burial, giving Maria a reward for her efforts, and informs her that they'll see if they can find the family of the deceased.

    //Will catch you in game.

  • María explains that she had no interest in what was found along with the head and so let her companion have it all. She mentions that there might've been a bearskin cloak and a shield made of scales…

  • The guards look the grisly head over, and refer Maria to the Herald Fisher. He in turn looks the head over and asks to see anything else that was found with the body for identification