Standing at the docks

  • The knight stands at the end of the pier, his cloak whipped about him by the stiff breeze coming in off the water. A note is clenched in his shield hand and he glances at it occasionally as he stares out to sea.

    "Godspeed Squire. May Torm guide you to a safe return."

    As the sun sets, he turns and departs quietly, save for the jingle of a single antique silver spur.

    • the falcon gives a noticeable warning as it moves to land on his arm if permitted and offers its leg with a new letter much more slowly written out and the writing is much harder to read *

    Dear Reynauld,

    I am happy to at least write I am finally on my way home, though not at my best at the moment and in much pain I am still at least coming home which honestly is more then I had hoped for. I won't discuss much in writing and will explain what transpired when I see you again, I cannot for the life of me see this as reckless and I truly pray you don't either. This was something that needed to be tied up on my end so that I could go on living, part of the reason for this decision was because I find myself falling for a woman named Ah'ria, and with the recent attack I fear for her safety due to my own past, thus I went to ensure that if I do have and make a future with this woman, I won't have Calimport coming out to kill me. I hope to hear from you again soon, but at least I am on my way back home…

    Signed: Squire Arthur Forge

  • ties a note to the Falcon's leg as the mouse tail disappears down it's throat and softly whispers "return". It leaves claw marks in his arm as it takes wing, circling once before swiftly retreating into the distance.

    Dear Squire,

    Whilst I wished you had spoken with me before your departure, I cannot say I would not have done the same had our positions been reversed. Please take utmost heed and caution. There is a fine line between courage and recklessness, and I fear you lean to the latter. If you need help, do not hesitate to send word. Also, let me know if there is anything I can accomplish for you at this end.

    May Torm watch over you.

    Reynauld Du Luc
    Knight Errant of Peltarch

  • ooc note: reprint

    • a falcon screeches on the winds as it flies through the commons before landing perfectly on your shoulder, a letter attached to its leg as it offers said leg expectantly *

    Dear Reynauld,

    Forgive my sudden departure, I fear had it not been immediate I would never have gotten up the nerve to go and would have long cowered out. Even now every part of me wants to leave. I have recently landed but figured to at least take a few moments to quill out a letter to you in respect. I still regret not telling you in person. I don't really know if I am expecting to return alive from this…and definitely will not return unharmed, the Sultan is not a kind or patient man and the fact he sent out goons to find me was a warning far to loud to be ignored.

    On my trip here I found myself thinking of our first jousting lesson and Spirit throwing me and yet still it makes me smile, I honestly enjoyed the lesson no matter how difficult it was and pray I can get back to continue. The falcon can send any response if you wish to send one. If not just give him some meat and send him off, he will understand. I hope to hear from you.

    Helm watch over you always.

    Squire Arthur Forge