The Cecil Cleanup Crusade. A Norwick revival effort.
It's just another normal day in Norwick.
The Raumviri are doing what they do.
It is, of course, raining fit to drown fish.
Albryanna and Cecil leave, and come back loaded with Goblin goodies… and then they return, with Cecil writing furiously in his journal, and finding a scribe as soon as possible.
When it's all said and done, a flyer is presented, posted up in a few places, and then copies hand delivered to several places in town by the scout Thalassa.
_To the realm of Narfell, and it's citizens,
I, Cecil Northman, Senior Guardsman and longtime resident of Norwick, wish to enlist your aid.
I know that there are many issues that people have with our town. Or with people within it. Or it's laws. Or it's past. Or any number of things, really. I also know that there is almost no injury, no slight, no infraction that cannot be repaired in some way with the right intentions, and applied effort.
I wish to make that effort. Not for myself, but for Norwick.
If you have a grievance with Norwick, or one of it's officials, or the guard, or similar, please come to me, write me, or arrange a meeting with me, and I would like to try to resolve it to the best of my ability. I am part of the leadership of this town, and as such, feel that true leadership takes action. This is a step forward. A necessary step toward a goal, to re-unify Narfell, so that we can stand together against attack, from outside as well as within.
Life in these lands is hard, but it's harder, impossible even, without bonds, without allies, without friends. Help me help Norwick. Help me help you.
Senior Guardsman Cecil Northman(100 GP trashed)_
Cecil strolls about town again, renewing his campaign, and asking questions of the locals, focusing particularly on the Raumviri. If they're to stay, surely they have wants, needs, and suggestions.
He is polite as always, but purposely seeks out difficult characters if they are to be found, to better get an idea of who is in the area that he should keep an eye on.
Cecil returns home from Peltarch with a notepad, and sorts a few comments into coherent thoughts. He had asked a few gathered folk what they thought Norwick needed, so that people would come there, support it in times of need, and other such thoughts, as well as asking what, if any, grievances they had with the place. He notes the following things in his journal.
_N: :There should be more shops by the gate, and the gates should be harder to break. "
V: "The place is a lost cause." When asked why, could not cite specific reasons, other than "Experience with them, and the views of myself and several friends." I pressed for more specifics, and got, "Weak guards." as an answer.
J: Said the town had "Weak defenses." Did not elaborate.
T: "Put people in charge, who are well liked, and trusted. People will start to have hopes again."_
After penning his thoughts, Cecil sits back and views the town a little, his mouth twisting into a half-smile of contemplation.
"Hopes, eh? "
Without another word, he rises, and heads to the hall, and then the inn, visiting the bakers specifically.
The lack of response is odd, especially in a land with so many opinions, some being forced onto others at the points of swords, so Cecil goes to check on the status of his posters. He expects tampering, or tearing down at the very least, but sees no evidence of this.
Has it gone this far, that people won't even -complain-?
He seems bothered by the thought, so he makes his way to the barracks to think, plan, and will actively ask around in person should he encounter anyone on his travels near the town.