
  • With a glass of mulled wine Mystic drags herself from the Inn to pin a piece of paper on the public notice board

    Excursion Fendons lair and beyond
    I seek brave hearts, men or women, to make a longer trip through the dark caverns underground. This will not be an easy trip. I cannot offer any rewards only a promise of good company. Please contact me, or leave a note with Kat in the bar, if you are up for the challenge,
    Mystic River

    ((this is a player initiative that we talked about doing the other day. Do not expect anything else. It will be tough. Its planned on the 9th of sept 21.00 hrs Sweden GMT +1. ))

  • Legion

    Lector will help out.

  • Passing the notice board she stops and reads the many names of people that boldly signed up for the journey of exploration.

    She claps her hands with excitement, then open her pack to make a stock review of chargable crystals. Thourough preparation is needed she whispers heading back to the Inn.

    Suddenly stops.. …backs up, takes out another piece of paper and scribbles, pins it under the original note.

    I have no idea of what or who we will encounter. Please review your packs before we depart. Bring with you:

    • Potions
    • Scrolls
    • Food
    • Bolts or arrows (make it a bundle of blessed ones too just in case)
    • Campfire
    • Bedroll
    • Water, juice, ale, or wine of your preference
    • and last but not least a positive and good spirit

    If funding for anything is needed please seek me out.

    Mystic River

  • A hooded and cloaked Elven man walks into the Inn out of the rain. Stops briefly at the board and reads the message. Grins slightly, then turns and heads up to the common room.

    //Aranwë "should" be able to attend…

  • Andrew offers his sword and his swordsman skills.

  • Council of Moradin

    Gnarl hears the news, and thinks it is wise that he travel along with this friend, to offer his support and axe. Good friends, make good partys, and good partys are what all that call themselves adventures really want.

    Mark it down, with crossed axes!

    Played by Gatlord

  • Legion

    vics coming along 😉

  • Romulus loves scouting new places and will certainly be there.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger

  • Eragor writes his name down on the paper.

  • My dear lady Mystic,

    I would not be a gentleman if I were to allow you to travel to such a place without a proper escort. Please count me in.

    Sir Reynauld Du Luc
    Knight Errant of Peltarch