Underdark Mission

  • Organized by Victoria a missing to scout the apperence of bodies heavily guarded by skindancers and magic eaters is to set out post haste. They may be dead surfacers who need a proper burial or something else.

    ((8/18/12 11:00PM CST USA also known as 4:00AM GMT. Rei_Jin will be hosting this event so please post if you are coming. We need a large Underdark capable force))

  • ((Yah sorry Rei, nobody replied so I figured it wasn't happening tonight. That's why I didn't PM you.))

  • //A lack of posting, and none of the expected players logged in 30 minutes prior to go time means I'll push this back for another time.

    I'll post in the "Help Wanted" thread when I can organise it to go.