Zoltan G. Picklepepper & Sons Scribing Co.

  • Zoltan G. Picklepepper & Sons Scribing Co.

    Tired of all that history cluttering your brain? Been working on that adventurous tale for three years?

    Wait no longer!

    Zoltan G. Picklepepper & Sons want your work for us to scribe at the highest quality and sell to the public. We accept the following:

    Historical Works (The older, the more we'll pay!)
    Religious Texts
    Studies and essays (magical or otherwise)
    Almost anything else you can think of*

    So hurry down to Zoltan G. Picklepepper & Sons now located in the Bardic College before someone steals your idea but changes the names!

    *Disclaimer: By submitting to Zoltan G. Picklepepper & Sons Co. you accept that your works may be edited and/or altered. Unworthy works will be rejected.


    Four things of note:

    1. If your book is accepted you will be granted XP and Gold.

    2. You don't need to be a bard!

    3. Remember that this is written by your character and it should reflect such.

    4. While we're happy to fix up a few typos here and there, if something is poorly written it simply wont be accepted.

    5. The books accepted will be going into an in game PS Store inside the Bardic College foyer, so even if you don't like writing go have a read!

    Send book .erf files to narfellstaff@gmail.com with the subject line: Literature - [Book Name Here]. Don't forget to put your account name and character name into the body of the email.

    When you've been informed that your book has been accepted, contact the next DM you see for your reward.

  • Hear ye, hear ye!

    Zoltan G. Picklepepper & Sons Scribing Co. wishes to let you all know that new books have been printed and added to their store in the Bardic College foyer!

    Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, songs, and plays are there for young and old! Interested in history? You'll have your fill!

    Should the books sell out, be sure to let the attendant know, and we'll get them replaced as soon as possible!