Thorak Dwarr

  • Character Name: Thorak Dwarr
    Login: Gonnar Domne

    Thorak Dwarr had a weird childhood. Son of powerful arcanists, he was raised between books and magic yet his interest for it was never something outstanding. He was required to study magic as a child, however, to follow with the family tradition, but he would escape in his free time to the guard's hall where he sat for hours watching the dwraven elite fighters fight each other in friendly sparring, and told each other fantastic tales of their adventures. Tolir, a simple but most skilled guard, was the first to notice Thorak. "Why ye be sitting there? ain't it betta training if ye actualy be weilding a weapon?. And that's how Thorak started training with Tolir in secret, to not displease his parents. He would still learn magic, but he would do it as fast as he could just to meet up, everyday at the same time and same place, with Tolir, who was becomming more than just a menthor, was becomming a friend.
    After a few years…Thorak went down to the guard hall as usual, and looked for Tolir, but it was not going to be the same as always. "We cin not train today, 'm afraid, Thor" He was the first to ever call him Thor.
    "We be hearing them farking giants are ambushin our kin at the roads, and I be leaving with ma unit t' take care 'f them farkers". He looked down at Thorak. "and nay, ye cant come with us. Ye be too young still and yer parents would kill me" He chuckled.
    Thorak complained, moaned and begged, but Tolir didn't change his mind. It was too dangerous for Thorak, and he knew it.

    The next day, the guard's company left the halls all marching eastwards, unaware of the fact they were being stalked by some invisible person. They reached their destination in one day, and made a camp inside a cave to rest for the next day, when they would fight the giants and clear the land of the "filthy bastards" as Tolir used to call them.
    But the gods had different plans, and a drunk dwarf exited the cave in the middle of the night, walking aimlessly along the road with a bottle of ale in his hand. Before he could realise it, a rock hit him in the chest and he gained awareness of the situation for a brief moment before a flurry of rocks flew down on him. Giants had taken him, but not before he could blow the horn, a horn which sound echoed through all of the mountains, including the cave where the guards were resting.
    Alarmed and slightly confused, the dwarves exited the cave and ran towards the already dead sound of the horn. The fight that had place there was of such a magnitude that is impossible to describe it pwropertly. Suffice to say there was a lot of blood, lost limbs and at the end nothing but two were standing. Tolir, and one of the giants. Tolir was wounded in one leg already, and had his mobility reduced. He could not run, he could only stand and fight. But when you can't move propertly against a Giant, you lose your main advantage, mobility, and all there's left for you to do is to block his heavy blows and attempt to counter attack with your axe.
    Tolir gave the giant a tough fight, but at the end his leg couldn't hold it anymore and broke. On his knees, he was still fighting, on his knees, he thought he was going to die, when suddenly a warcry was heard from behind the giant, but nothing could be seen yet.
    All of the sudden, comming out from invisibility, Thorak raised his hammer, which he had imbued with magic right before attacking, and smashed it against the Giant's hand, making it's massive club fly away.
    Totaly inexperienced in battle, Thorak turned around to check on his friend, and the giant, recovering finaly from the shock of the assult, tried to smash him flat with his fists.
    Not fast enough, or not as fast as Tolir threw his Axe into the giants chest.

    Thorak told Tolir he didn't want to be back home with his parents and the magic studies. He wanted to become a brave warrior. Tolir told him he could not get back to the city after losing all his company of men, what a disgrace. And so, they decided to leave the place, to never get back, and with the promise they'd meet someday again in far away lands.
    Before leaving, Tolir approached Thorak, handing him his pair of gauntlets.

    "Thor, this be ma special gauntlets. They give ya th' strengh of an ogre, I got 'em myself from slaying da chief ogre that wus leading war against us thirty years ago. I want ye to have these, and I want ye to promise me you will become a great warrior! Yer strong, and ye got a gift fer magic. You will be the legendary spell-hammer." Tolir, put his massive hand on Thor's head, and ruffled his hair.
    "until we meet again… and thank ye, spell-hammer Thor."

    And ever since then… Thorak has been training hard to become a great warrior, and a legendary spell-hammer...

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