General Populous

  • Candra has been seen talking to each citizen of Peltarch just asking them simple questions.
    ((Looking for answers to these questions from townsfolk))

    What made you settle in Peltarch?
    What do you do for your living?
    Are you happy with living here?
    What is one thing you would change if you could?

  • a Rather gloomy looking mope answers the questions without much prodding

    What made you settle in Peltarch?
    "Norwick sucked, Peltarch offers apartments for rent."
    What do you do for your living?
    He shrugs, "fix damaged books, though that's more of a hobby, adventuring can make for a profitable hobby too."
    Are you happy with living here?
    "Happy enough"
    What is one thing you would change if you could?
    "More dark spooky corners to loiter in, I'm trying to work an image and it's not working too well."

  • A rather attractive, dark-skinned woman with long dark hair and a terribly foreign accent also supplies some answers…

    "What made you settle in Peltarch?"

    "This city controls trade on the Icelace and it has grown suprisingly wealthy. There's lots of gold here, and with much gold comes much opportunity." The woman laughs.

    "What do you do for your living?"

    "I suppose I am somewhat like a dockworker, too" she answers with a smile. "I move crates and other paraphernalia from one point to another."

    "Are you happy with living here?"

    "The militia are rather lenient here compared to some of the more… oppresive regimes in Faerun's various cities. Coin is good and beggars are not lining the streets. The art and culture is lacking though - I cannot recall any bardic recitals or good plays lately."

    "What is one thing you would change if you could?"

    "More banks. Less guard patrols."

  • _Of those who answer Candra's questions is a Dockworker. Many more like him seem to answer in the same fashion, though not all others by a long shot.

    "What made you settle in Peltarch?"

    To this the Dockworker laughs. "Settle? Settle! Oh you crack me up! I di'n't settle here! Born and raised, fer generations and generations upon each other!"

    "What do you do for your living?"

    "I'm a dockworker," he answers proudly, "Move crates, cargo, an' such on an' off boats, between warehouses."

    "Are you happy with living here?"

    "This is the Jewel! We live in a democracy! O'course I'm happy!" answers that dockworker. Though some others like him say things like, "Well, mostly. I'se worried about the Jewel… rampage o'crime, them Order folk is gone nuts, and that Elf lass tol' us a while back our Senate's no good Senate at all!"

    "What is one thing you would change if you could?"

    Those of a mind like the former dockworker answer, "I'd change the weight o'me coinpurse!" Though those like the latter say, "I'd change a lotta stuff. A lot! Put folk like us in power, rather'n these hoity toit nobles what rule us."

    Of course, Candra being alone in this endeavour means that her results may not be truly representative of anything..._

  • Legion

    1. craft hall.
    2. adeventure, and craft.
    3. ehh.
    4. more communication.