DMs of the Gypsy Camp
In case you haven't heard from the Announcements section. I am taking over the SDM slot of the Gypsy Camp and our newly rediscovered DM Raptor (Belthor) will be a new ADM there. DM Buttercup (Cera) and Rosepetal (hkb) will be helping out when they can as additional ADMs.
If you think it is something that an ADM or a PL or PG can handle for you… please do so. I have more than 90 players listed as camp members, so if I recieve a request from each of you once a month, that is three requests a day.
My preferred method for requests is by using my email address ( with a subject header that includes the word Narfell in it. This is because that email adress forwards to my home adress and I don't toss it out any of your correspondance as potential spam from my inbox.
I will attempt to make this transition as seemless as possible, but there may be times where you are inconvienced. My apologies up front. I'll do my best to make this area fun for all (including myself), but I need each of you to have the same in mind at all times.
As far as my gaming style, there is a thread (over here) to set your expectations of some of my DMing quirks.
Thanks - Kerby / DM SMOO
To reduce the number of stickies players have to scroll through at the top of this forum, I have moved DM Raptor's schedule posting to here.
Hello fellow Gypsy campers!!!!
Here are my hours you can find me online 90% of the time. All times are EST. When I am logged in as a PC. That is what I am. Just a PC. so please respect my time when logged in as a PC and not bombard me with DM requests. I am always available for emergencies if a DM is needed and none are logged in. Always exceptions to the rule
Wednesdays is the day I will be logged in for assistance only in various issues that need DM help that is NOT related to IC game issues.
Sunday: will vary during day hours based on real life but I can be found online between 9pm and 3am.
Monday: Online between 11pm and 3am as a PC only
Tuesday: 1am and 3am
Wednesday: midnight till 3am. I will be on to take requests for rebuilds, talk about special events, assistance with any PC issues you would like to discuss… etc... Basically this is the day I am putting aside to help with time consuming and or OOC issues.
Thursday: 1am and 3am
Friday: 11pm until whenever… both as PC and or DM depending on what mood I am in.
Saturday: Will vary during the day, but I will be on from 11pm until whenever most Saturday nights.
For myself I will be setting up and running only 2 multi day long term events at one time. What those will be and who will be involved will depend on you Gypsy dwellers. Once one main event is finished I will start up another shortly thier after. Each of these events will progress regularly and how fast the events will move along will depend on those involved and just how involved people remain.
Because of the time frame I play is between 9pm est and 3am est. Most of the folks in any long term event I am running must have the majority of thier playing time during those hours. This does not mean folks out of this time frame cannot participate but if you are not on when I am most of the time then you will not be the main focus of the event. I found in the past that having those involved in my event that play at different hours tend to make the event go stale because either I am not online or the person who needs to be to make things go forward is not around when I am. So in a nut shell. The CORE folks involved in any long term event will HAVE to be folks that play between the time frame mentioned. The rest will be able to join when around but will take up more of a cameo appearence when they can make it.
The rest of my time DMing will be making the campers feel at home. Rain, lightning storms. occasional fire storms from Rass. You all know, the regular fun stuff!!! Any mini events I run will be just for the evening in one session or occasionally if we get started late, it might run 2 sessions but 2 will be the max if it is not one of the 2 main events I will be running.
Any Ideas or suggestions feel free to post it here or drop me a PM.
Look forward to seeing you all around IG soon.