Spring Cleaning Down Under!

  • _Lady Ashena Teroldys, frequent sewer cleanser and janitor knight, can be seen paying a visit to the all noble houses in Peltarch that are known to have family crypts within the Barrows. She respectfully asks permission to enter each family's crypt, stating her intent of putting to rest any undead creatures lurking within and, if the family so wish, bless the crypt in the name of the Triad.

    It seems the young knight is intent on searching every nook and cranny of Peltarch's less than fragrant underbelly, though if she has a specific target in mind, she does not state it openly. The Order's knights and squires are of course all encouraged to partake in this extended patrol, as are the usual punning suspects. Any volunteers of good heart and sound character may also approach Lady Teroldys at the temple of the Triad._

    ((I feel like a full evening's Narfin' this Saturday, and the idea of a full sweep of the sewers and Barrows is one I've wanted to put into motion for a while now. I'll assume consent is given to enter every crypt unless a DM tells me otherwise. Ashena will gather the troupes at the temple at eight o'clock in the evening, my time - GMT+1. I'm looking for a minimum of four players, preferably no more than eight, and ideally a trapper amongst the bunch! But there's always the dwarven method too.. ))

  • Legion

    whoops thought i said i'd be there already. well vic will offer her aid.

  • @b9b36b9bf3=The_Rose_Of_Teroldys:

    ((Ashena will gather the troupes at the temple at eight o'clock in the evening, my time - GMT+1.

    (( I think you may mean BST+1 (or GMT+2). Currently the UK operates on GMT+1 thanks to DST and the timezone for the region is renamed to British Summer Time. I know I point out the intricacies of Daylight Savings Time regularly (and for Europeans it is fairly obvious what time you're referring to anyway) - but anyone using a timezone converter based on zones not country will be an hour out.

    Just realised Romulus already pointed this out anyway…))

  • Welp, I just got back from a Wedding I had forgotten I was invited to, I don't really feel like sleeping right about now, SO maybe I'll be there after all!

  • Dev

    I'll try to make it… though I ain't disarming any more traps the dwarven way.... nuh huh... aint gonna do it...

  • Allestor "Ee-aw's" a pledge of support and struts off to get lade.. with supplies.

  • Celia will naturally be there!

  • Ouch, 3 AM! I might catch you earlier on Saturday, if I successfully evade my own cleaning plans.. could do some warm-up smiting to get into the wight mood for later on!

  • Well, I just did the time convertery thingo.

    3 AM, No can do! XD

  • Romulus will be there in full pun mode, with an extra flask of holy water to cleanse the Altar of Waukeen.

    OOC: 8 PM (GMT+1) is 3 PM USA EDT, unless you meant the GMT+1 on summer time, in which case it is 2 PM USA EDT.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character:Romulus Grey

  • Arlan says he'll try and make it there and do the "Wight" thing.