New Kin in Town

  • Moigan’s childhood was like most around his hold high up in the mountains; however, he had a rare gift for a kin. The ability to conjure arcane magic. His parents tried to keep this a secret for many years but when money was tight his father used his powers to make some extra coin. His powers were so unseen by the other kin that his parents made a lot of coin and eventually greed took over and Moigan became a circus act. As he grew older his parents could no long keep control of him and he eventually escaped deeper into the tunnels of the mountain. Here he honed his magical abilities and charmed a bat which he calls Neus to become his companion. After releasing the bat from the charm, the bat didn’t fly away but instead remained by Moigan’s side. The two of them went off to see the world leaving the mountain hold. In a deep forest they came across a gnome that was crafting all kinds of contraptions. This instantly fascinated Moigan and he learned everything he could from the gnome. It was at this time that Dugmaren Brightmantle presence was first felt by the dwarf and he pledged his life to him. Life was finally looking up for the two and they tinkered and invented many unique items. One day one invention went horribly wrong. There was a loud boom, a rush of a 100 mile per hour wind and a strange clicking noise, then everything went black. When Moigan awoke he was in a strange land, one warmer than he was use too, one you and I might know as the Nars Pass. Surprisingly enough Neus made the journey but the gnome was no were to be seen was it a trick? Did he set this whole thing up? Or was it all a dream? No one knows what really happened but Moigan Galar was about to set out on his first adventure in Narfell.

    Moigan Galar


  • ICC

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