Druids and armour
After Froo and Card's explanation, this get's easier to understand:
A note about wood armor: there can be a wooden armor (full plate, for instance), but it cannot be crafted. You get those only via DM loot/quest/event/etc….
And once you get it, you cannot enchant it.
as for crafted leather armor, there are a few that grant an AC 6:
AC 6
Stink Beetle (+1 Saves vs. Acid)
Fire Beetle (+1 Saves vs. Fire)
Umber Hulk (+1 AC vs. Aberration)
Bullette (+1 AC vs. Magical Beast)
Stegadon (+2 Saves vs. Fire)That you can enchant to get up to +2 AC (8 point enchantment)
Clarification on what Froo said to respond to what Dwin asked.
You get at most 1 free property when you enchant, not counting weight reduction.
That might be the one of the bonuses from the crafted item, it might be a 0 level spell, or it might be light 20m. They're exclusive to each other.Example: Silver weapons get +1 dmg vs undead and +1 vs Shapechangers. You have both of these on the unenchanted sword. When you enchant one, you may choose one free property from the following, in addition to weight reduction and what the 1-9 points of enchanting get you:
Light, 1-0 level bonus spell slot, +1 dmg vs undead, or +1 vs shapechangers.You gotta make a choice.
That's correct. The listed properties in the enchanting thread base items section are the only ones which carry over. Masterwork Gnomish Searchagoggles would start out with more than +1 search before enchantment in the same way that steel helms lose properties.
There are no craftable wooden helms. Veil of Anvotar is an elven racial recipe. Caribou is probably halfling. I'm not aware of any gnomish crafters so you'd need an NPC for those ones.
Stag is the no-property leather helm.
well maybe i'm wrong then. i've yet to make a enchanted helm. but everything else seems to lose their stats when enchanting. steel fullplate loses it's + 3 ac vs slashing and piercing and only keeps it's 60% weight reduction. figured it would be the same when enchanting a helm. you'd lose the base concentration and keep the + 1 bonus. learn something new everyday i guess.
.. and enchanting on the double banded gloves did when I made those enchantments??? :?
Are there wooden helms?! :omg:
I could only find these leathers:
Gnomish Searchagoggles (+1 Search)
Gnomish Stereophoniclistenators (+2 Listen)
Orcish War Mask (+1 Intimidate)
Veil of Antovar (+1 Saves vs. Poison)
Dread Cariboo (+1 Saves vs. Fear)…and I have no idea how easy the the last two are to make ( how easy the hide for these are to get )
i thought enchantments let you keep the original properties of the MW item?
i'd just like to say. steel mw helm when first created gives + 3 concentration. when you enchant it, it reduces to + 1 base conentration. those wooden helms that give + 1 vs fear is much better then + 1 cocentration i think..
my ratio of mundane vs masterwork for crafting steel plate is 50%. but ive only ever had enough steel to make 2 suits.
While they may have been in the past, you'll be pleased to hear that strong crafters aren't penalised now. Each resource will take a set number of swings before it disintegrates.
nice, thanks.
While they may have been in the past, you'll be pleased to hear that strong crafters aren't penalised now. Each resource will take a set number of swings before it disintegrates.
Short answer Dolvak? Yes, they can.
In regards to steel…
If you're a good smith (over 600 blacksmithing) and you get a decent vein of iron (around 50 hits, so on average 45 or so pieces of ore if you've mastered mining iron) you will get about 120-160 iron ingots from a single vein. You then have to convert it into steel, which will leave you with about 40-80 steel ingots, depending on how lucky you are.
And then you have to hope you get lucky attempting to make whatever it is you want to make, if you're after Masterwork. I've made more than 20 attempts at times to make Masterwork Steel Fullplate without success, and considering that each attempt takes 60 ingots, even with as skilled a crafter as Val is it means that every vein of iron is one attempt.
So that 20+ attempts to make that MW Steel Fullplate? 20+ veins of iron.
My Mining and BS are both very high… but so is my strength... so I tend to exhaust veins much faster than other PC's. I have never gotten more than 100 ingots from any iron vein.
Right… Steel. I guess I consider that rare since iron is no easier found than anything else.
Oh boy! Iron is a common spawn nowadays in at least three different maps that I know of, four if you count a place where -sometimes- it spawns.
Now if it's about rarity, then a MW Ash helmet should be awesome, like.. the best thing ever. lol.
Short answer Dolvak? Yes, they can.
In regards to steel…
If you're a good smith (over 600 blacksmithing) and you get a decent vein of iron (around 50 hits, so on average 45 or so pieces of ore if you've mastered mining iron) you will get about 120-160 iron ingots from a single vein. You then have to convert it into steel, which will leave you with about 40-80 steel ingots, depending on how lucky you are.
And then you have to hope you get lucky attempting to make whatever it is you want to make, if you're after Masterwork. I've made more than 20 attempts at times to make Masterwork Steel Fullplate without success, and considering that each attempt takes 60 ingots, even with as skilled a crafter as Val is it means that every vein of iron is one attempt.
So that 20+ attempts to make that MW Steel Fullplate? 20+ veins of iron.
However, I am not so sure if I agree why a steel helm should be a better base than anything else, of what I know some leathers and woods is as hard to find but still not the same equality in level of skills as base.
Simple question… If I am about to hit you over the head with a club/axe/sword, which would you rather have? A steel helm or a leather helm?
Since you arent familiar with the Narf crafting system, I'll give you a quick bit of [steel-based] info:
Steel (in our narf World) is the most difficult metal to craft with from the standpoint of its creation. In order to create steel, you need twice as much iron and a bit of coal. I forget the math, but you basically need to mine a few iron veins to make 1 simple Masterwork helm (assuming that you might get a MW item 1/10 times.)
Masterwork items in our crafting system are created by CHANCE, you can't set out to make a MW item… you just get lucky enough every once in a while to make one.
A helm requires 10 ingots. A suit of plate requires 60 ingots, AND 2 hardended large skins. You would need (estimating) about 10 iron veins for 60 steel ingots, and 2 hardened skins (from a tanner) PER attempt at making MW armor. Imagine going through the RL hours and hours of killing whatever badguys guard the ore, mining the iron, carrying it back to a hall, smelting it into steel, killing the large animals, skinning their leathers, tanning the leathers, creating the armor... only to produce a "mundane" piece of steel armor that no one wants to buy b/c its not MW.
Thats why Dwin has so many suits of steel armor in his PS. I cant bare to re-smelt them just to get about 48 ingots out of them. (anyone in the market? shameless plug...)
Anyway, I digress... this lesson went on longer than I intended
I just wanted to relay to you why Steel in Narf is the top metal, and why its so precious to deal with.
Ha ha ha.. I am not even sure if druids can enchant on this server so maybe this whole thread is nonsens
[/quoteThats a great question… can [we] they?
I know nothing about crafting on this server I have chosen not to get into it (although I was a huge crafter on another server)
You are absolutely right about getting to know the class and make the best out of it to build your PC. I may not be good enough for it, could be as simple as that
However, I am not so sure if I agree why a steel helm should be a better base than anything else, of what I know some leathers and woods is as hard to find but still not the same equality in level of skills as base. That has nothing to do with class I think, but then again I know nothing of rules etc… maybe this is a discussion for another thread. I will make a suggestion of review of crafted item advantages to be added on the build 10 listings
Ha ha ha.. I am not even sure if druids can enchant on this server so maybe this whole thread is nonsens
Right… Steel. I guess I consider that rare since iron is no easier found than anything else.
Druids, IMO, are a much more difficult class to play because of the restrictions, but no less fun if you go into it understanding them.
It makes perfect sense to me that a steel helmet is better than a leather one. It also makes sense to me that being able to turn into a wolf, hawk or bear is a preeeeeety cool thing to be able to do as well.
Erm the +3 conscentration is MW steel helm all of my warrior types have them. Awsome base for enchanting you only need to make a 6 pts to get a good skill bump.
Mystic used double banded gloves to make a +6 disc/+6 consc when she enchanted for another PC and the enchanting cost isnt that bad at all
That is kind of why I have this question regarding druids or any class that uses leather. Why should it be less for them.
But it was only my curiosity to know why, I can manage anyways.
I believe the +3 concentration helms are with very rare metals, right? Don't worry, not many of those around.
As far as off hours goes–I've fulfilled many many orders for people that aren't on when I am. All you need is a go-between and communication via letters ((PM's))
Pin a note to the crafting Hall, and you might've surprised at the response you get.
Oh I get all that about druids oath etc, I was more referring to the items that we are, or are not able to craft. (sorry for not being so good in expressing myself).
I was looking over the crafting item list and the metal helm has as high as +3 conscentration, and the leathers isnt coming close to that although they have other advantages… and this less beneficial prereq would be the same for rangers (despite light chain) and rogues (although a rogue type has some neat stuff able to crafts Id say.)
Anyways I will have aza advertise what she is looking for on the Norwick notice board. That might give her at least a cloak or a glove. And hopefully she can make some enchating from that.
Thanks for the feed back much appreciated!