Helping Norwick 1
There's room for everyone that signed.
Brazil has Daylight Saving time, but we are off it since 29/02.
I won't be around in the end, good luck everyone and have fun.
Tomorrow? I think thats noon my time. I will try to be there. I signed up originally, is there still room for me?
((Well, looks like it's going to be dificult for me to make it tomorrow. My grandma had an accident last week and broke his arm. So I drove like a thousand of kilometers, that's like six hundred miles, to help family on attending her. I brought my shitty laptop thinking about the event, but things over here are a bit tense. I'll try to be there but no guarantees!))
Has brazil timechanged? im trying to figure time im good to go but at 19.00 hrs sweden i have 20 horses to feed and that takes about 30 min. Sweden has not by saturday yet done timechange but at midnight this saturday we any case It be sad to miss event for those 30 min
Still up if needed.
Talindra should be good to go.
Hope will be there.
Elidor the Great-awesome-epic-the-best-omg-he's-so-cool should be there as well. If there was room for him. Idk anymore.
Allestor should be good to go, though no guarantees can be made for the stability of my computer! 8O
Good to go..
Morgul, the Half-Orc Paladin of Torm will do his best to be there as well.
Dermin will surly be there.
Ashena is good to go (or was that goo?)! I'll work out the time conversion thingy later, but I'm pretty much available all weekend.
Romulus will be there. Since time in eastern USA changed to Daylight Savings Time two weekends ago, I'm still not sure what 1500 Sao Paulo translates to. It's either 1300 EDT or an hour either way of that.
Login: AubreyMaturin
Character: Romulus Grey
I'm back(ish) and willing to move this foward.
I'll be on this week at night, to set the details with the interested PC's.Let's try to have the thing this Saturday, same hour.
Please, confirm your presences.
Ill try to be around for it with Joanna
I'll have to re sschedule this for next weekend.
My father's brother was involved in a car accident and, even if we (uncle and I) were not close, I'll stay with my father for suport.
I'll probably log to play/do something during the weekend, but can't dedicate too much time for this.
I'm sorry, but I'm sure you'll all understand.
PM me if you have any doubts/questions/issues.
Gnarl will come, barring any conflicts. He is ready and willing to help end this undead scourge that has befallen Norwick.
Player of Reynauld told me the time set will be impossible for him as he is coaching soccer game at that time